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  1. donkeydew2farms


    what kind of bands do you use on turkeys . i used plastic one i got from premier and they did not fit they were to big and they fell off they were suppose to fit geese and turkeys. i have royal palms and geese. thanks.
  2. donkeydew2farms

    fighting toms

    i have 2 toms and 2 hens the hens are nesting they are all in the same coop and pen . so far the toms have been ok last night they got into it until it got dark first thing this morning the were fighting. I have them separated and they are fighting through the fence. do i have to separate them...
  3. donkeydew2farms


    has any body ever gotten eggs from mikes midget whites, is he reliable. i order hatching eggs from him i was suppose to get them this month well march is about over, haven't heard from him i was wondering if there is a problem due to AI.
  4. donkeydew2farms

    kalmbach feed allflock

    has any body ever use this feed. i am having trouble getting feed for my geese tsc hhasnt got a dilivery in 4 weeks this is notthe first time i am tired of this so i decided to order from chewy i ordered friday got it monday. i am not sure if they like it they are very spoiled .
  5. donkeydew2farms

    which to choose for breeding

    ok i have 4 toms and two females the toms at this moment are in a different pens then the toms. my question now is how do you choose the right tom for breeding and are the toms ok being together until breeding season . i am new to turkeys they are more of a challenge then geese and chickens, oh...
  6. donkeydew2farms

    ratio for toms and hens.

    hi these are my first turkeys they are royal palms 4 boys and 2 girls. my question is what is the ratio for them and do you keep the girls and tom together all year or do you keep them separate until breeding time. i am planning on keeping the hens and 1 tom. what are your thoughts on this.
  7. donkeydew2farms

    turkey housing

    hey guys i have 6 royal palms about 5 weeks old. i would like to know what kind of housing do you have. right now they are in a tarped covered dog run, at night they come in the house. i need a safe house for them. i am keeping them separated from the geese and chickens.
  8. donkeydew2farms

    new to turkeys.

    hi guys new to turkeys .i have 5 royal palms friday i am so excited, i been feeding them 30% game bird. is there any thing else they need in there diet. when can you sex them.they are so cute little balls if fluff.i have geese chickens and Quail.thanks.
  9. donkeydew2farms

    holding eggs for hatching.

    hi all, I want to know how long can you hold eggs for hatching . I just got 12 easter eggers today and I will be getting 12 more in about 2weeks . my incubator can hold 24 eggs I would like to hatch them all at once. if I cant not a problem . thanks j
  10. donkeydew2farms

    road island whites

    hi every one does any one have road island white chickens, I decided to raise some chickens that are endanger. I am a member of the live stock conservancy. they are on the threaten list . at the moment I have Easter eggers. I ordered some from Pure Poultry they wont be available till end of...
  11. donkeydew2farms

    snow flake

    hi every one does any one here have snow flake quail ? I hatched some out 15 out of 25. they are about 4 weeks old . I have never had snow flakes only courtex . will these birds be good for eating and eggs. I know I have one male so far he is crowing. and there are 4 white that are smaller...
  12. donkeydew2farms


    I am posting again some day I will learn to use this phone. Can any body tell me if I have 2 female or a female and a male.
  13. donkeydew2farms

    flock raiser question

    I am trying something different this year. I switched every one over to all flock geese ducks and chickens with oyster shells on the side. now I have 3 baby geese and more on the way so I got some flock raiser will this be alright for the babies will it have enough niacin in it. oh the all flock...
  14. donkeydew2farms

    Shetland geese

    ok any body no were I can get Shetland hatching eggs. I want to start breeding geese that are on the critical list. boy I wish I had bought some from Holderread before he stop breeding them. thanks.
  15. donkeydew2farms

    Hay for geese

    I was wondering what kind of hay every one feeds if you feed hay. I have sixteen geese there is no grass left . I think they are getting bored. I have some bale hay I get from the tractor store but it is not very good. thanks.
  16. donkeydew2farms

    Blue eyes.

    Has any body seen blue eyes in an american blue cross african buff . This is frac he has blue eyes it is hard to shoot eyes with my phone . There are 3 others I think one other has blue eyes hard to tell. Both parents are well bred. Holder reads stock.
  17. donkeydew2farms

    Crossing geese

    Here is what you get when crossing an American blue with a African buff . Thay hatch out 5 babies lost one to coons. They are six months old now this is frac also the have blue eyes at the moment has any body noticed theirs having blue eyes. I love how they came out.
  18. donkeydew2farms

    Toxin in geese.

    Ok my ganda got in to something he acted like he had a stroke.thanks to this forum I got the flush recipe he is getting better he still falls over but I have to supervise him when we go for a walk if he falls over on his back he can't get up. His wing is still drooped he has good appetite also...
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