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  1. chickmama2014

    Old English Bantams

    What color are our OEB and are they game? What’s the difference? I can’t recall what the man told us that we bought from. Thanks!
  2. chickmama2014

    Nasty butt

    Do I need to bathe her to get this poop off or would brushing it out work?
  3. chickmama2014

    Weird egg

    What is wrong with this egg?
  4. chickmama2014

    The Extras

    I am trying to decide what I want to put my oyster shell, grit and egg shells in. I see this feeder on Amazon and like the idea of the lid and the divider. It’s like $34 which seems pretty outrageous to me but I can’t find anything like it for cheaper. Right now I feed them in small metal dog...
  5. chickmama2014

    Which breed is she?

    Australorp or jersey giant? Previous owner wasn’t sure which she was. I took a pic of the feet because I read that was how you tell but those feet look gray to me 😂
  6. chickmama2014

    Curious explorers

    Two of my six girls. Twenty is my Bielefelder. Ruler of the roost or flock. 😂 She is always the first to come running when I walk in the run. She is the first to try anything new out. She is also the only one besides the Silkie that will let me pet her. I named her Twenty because she cost $20...
  7. chickmama2014

    Healthy looking?

    Hello everyone. Does this girl look healthy? I feel like her comb is a bit lighter color than the other ladies. She is not laying yet and the other three that I brought home at the same time are up to daily laying. Just wondering if something could be going on with her. Do I need to take better...
  8. chickmama2014

    Mixed flock with one silkie

    Hello again. I have a question on feeding my flock of six. I have all different breeds. I have read the silkies need to eat at least 20% protein but better to have 22%. So do I need to buy an all flock feed or meat bird feed? and just make sure to give the crushed shells back to them so they...
  9. chickmama2014

    Treat mixture-best deals in bulk?

    I have searched but can’t seem to find exactly what I’m looking for. Wanting to buy black soldier fly larvae on the regular to create a mix treat (scratch grains, boss, flax) for the girls. Trying to find the best deal with the most bulk. Looking on chewy and Amazon but would be willing to...
  10. chickmama2014

    Who layed what?

    Hello! New to anything but RIR. Brought our girls home last Saturday and have been getting 2 eggs since Monday I believe. Out of these breeds can you determine which girl laid which egg? Speckled Sussex Gold laced Wyandotte Bielefelder I saw the second two girls in the nest box today but I...
  11. chickmama2014

    Conver lt into a coop

    Who is a good sketch artist? 😝 I want to turn this into a new coop. My thoughts are putting 4 nest boxes on the back side. Wrapping the bottom and right side with chicken wire or good paneling to keep predators out. Making a ramp from the small side door on the right for them to get in and out...
  12. chickmama2014

    Not new to the site but it’s been awhile

    Hello, I have been out of the chicken game for awhile. Last Saturday we picked up 6 beautiful hens. I just wanted to introduce them. :) They are doing great and we already have been getting one egg daily since Sunday which I am pleasantly surprised by. I’m already addicted and wanting to add...
  13. chickmama2014

    Buff Orpington?

    Hello, Just getting back in the chicken game. Someone on a fb group is selling these as buff Orpington. When trying to google how to tell the difference between a rooster and a hen I don’t see any black on the buffs in the google pictures. Could these be a cross?
  14. chickmama2014

    Birds we got yesterday

    He called them red layers. Are they Rhode Island reds?
  15. chickmama2014

    Chicken not wanting to walk

    Hello We brought home some year old chickens yesterday and one is not wanting to walk. We sorta rescued them (which I'm guessing was a bad idea) they were in very cramped pens. What can I do for her? I am thinking I may even have to syringe some water in her mouth because it doesn't look like...
  16. chickmama2014

    Eggs in heat

    Forgetful me forgot my eggs on top of the chicken run from night before last so they were in the sun and heat in the morning yesterday. Will they still be ok to eat?
  17. chickmama2014

    Not laying

    My chickens are not laying very well. We have 4. I usually get 1-2 eggs per day. We've had chickens the last three summers and I've never had a batch be this bad about laying. Any ideas? Thank you.
  18. chickmama2014

    Crumbles or pellets?

    What is better to feed laying hens? Layer crumbles or layer pellets? What brand do most of you like to use? They are red hens, really not sure of the breed. Thank you!
  19. chickmama2014


    Would grass clippings work in a chicken coop for bedding rather than wood shavings?
  20. chickmama2014

    What breed?

    My fiancé and I have three red chickens. That lay brown eggs. we have no idea what breed they are. Would anybody be able to take a guess if I posted a picture?
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