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  1. Shamo Hybrid

    Summer heat causing aggressive behavior?

    I've got these Oriental Gamefowls that I've reared since day 1 through incubation....... they've always bickered and squabble here and there but recently 2 of the hens have been going at it non-stop, neither refusing to back down! I couldn't catch their first fight in time and one of them were...
  2. Shamo Hybrid

    How to keep squirrels out of feed!

    These little bastaaad squirrels are having a buffet feast every day at my expense....... I think I've even seen one smirking at me while looking through my window into the backyard. I'm at the point where a pellet to their little pea brains is the only solution, last time I checked I see no...
  3. Shamo Hybrid

    2:1 Chicken Mix.....

    So, since I'm a balla on a budget....... I decided to mix scratch and pellets at a 2:1 ratio (2 scratch to 1 complete feed), do you think they are getting enough nutritional needs? My excuse is since we are currently going through tough times, we all have to sacrifice a little for the good of...
  4. Shamo Hybrid

    Tractor Supply - Curb Side Pickup?

    Anyone still getting their chicken feed from Tractor Supply during this lockdown? I believe they are still open but only if you pick up outside the store or something? How does the process work?
  5. Shamo Hybrid

    Too lazy to..........

    Awhile back I was too lazy to collect eggs........ and when I finally did, I cracked open one just to see how it's like and lo and behold there was an embryo! I feel bad, because of my laziness the chick was already forming, granted it wasn't far along but you can tell there was something...
  6. Shamo Hybrid

    Obsure, hidden gem, indie label brand, hipster feed! :P

    Oh, SNAP! I just scored a bag of some awesome feed that has mixed seeds and such....... they are made for 'gamebirds', so it says. And I got it for pretty cheap! You guys jelly? :P Name some of these unknown hidden gem feeds if you've ever come across some.
  7. Shamo Hybrid

    Squirrels - A nuisance but are they a danger?

    There are squirrels here that would go inside the run and eat the feed right in front of my chickens. The thing is, my chickens don't even pay them any attention at all..... right in the run with them running around and such. My concern is, can these squirrels carry diseases that my chickens...
  8. Shamo Hybrid

    Deadly Chickens in Florida!!!

    OK..... just read there is some sort of mosquito virus that has been infecting some chickens that were setup for tests. This disease can spread to your backyard flock, and upon consuming your chickens, you could die!!!! Or something like that. Anyone heard? ARTICLE HERE ...
  9. Shamo Hybrid

    Nationwide Salmonella Outbreak!

    I've just read that there is a nationwide outbreak of Salmonella...... and that 2 people have died! 1 from a backyard flock!! Can this thing spread? What preventative measures can we take?
  10. Shamo Hybrid

    Sad News To Report......

    My Super Shamo and Thai Hybrid roosters have perished due to a fight. I'm not sure how the Thai escaped from his pen but I believe they were fighting all day as the next day I came in to feed them again, both were tore up badly and each one resting in it's own corner.... breathing slowly, out...
  11. Shamo Hybrid

    Handicapped Chicken on SNL?

    I read on Yahoo news that apparently a handicapped chicken with wheels made it on Saturday Night Live...... but as a joke. Just wondering if it might actually be a member on here? Still pretty awesome though that the chicken got some media attention, perhaps now people might think Chicken...
  12. Shamo Hybrid

    Mah baby's gone broody!

    OK. My pullet have finally turned into a hen.... I remember like it was yesterday when she poked her little beak through the shell, but now she's all grown up and gone broody on me. Even though she's gone broody, she doesn't mind me at all petting her and stuff, not even a warning sound...
  13. Shamo Hybrid

    Oh, how I miss them....

    when they were still babies, cute and innocent.... now they've grown to be a bunch of misfits! They are of the Oriental Gamefowl breed. @MissChick@dee - These are the babies!! Remember I was gonna send you some eggs? First pic is siblings meeting one another for the first time. Second pic...
  14. Shamo Hybrid

    Foamy Eyes!!

    The other day while feeding the misfits, I noticed that one of the male had foamy bubble out of his eyes...... should I be worried? Today, it seemed to disappear though.
  15. Shamo Hybrid

    Died of a broken heart. :(

    Just wanted to share a story. When I first got my chicken, a rooster, i decided he needed a friend so I bought a hen for him. The two got along great, lovey dovey, shagging like they are honeymoon couples throughout the day.... everything was fine and dandy. I then decided to buy another hen...
  16. Shamo Hybrid

    Kidnapping a chick!

    I plan to kidnap a chick, a lone chick..... you see, he was the only leftover egg that Mother Hen sat on and hatched while his siblings were all hatched by yours truly in an incubator. And those that I've hatched, they are all very tame, would run up to me and everything with no worries at all...
  17. Shamo Hybrid

    Great short documentary film - Must Watch!!

    I came upon this little jewel of a documentary film, it's not chicken related or anything.... but it's a great watch when you have some time to kill. About 20 minutes in length.
  18. Shamo Hybrid

    Foaming at the mouth....

    One of my Super Shamo Hybrid chicks started to have this sticky foam in his mouth/throat..... I just noticed it this afternoon while feeding them and he didn't eat because he was trying to cough up the mucus or whatever it is. I grabbed him and swiped the foam out of his mouth because he seemed...
  19. Shamo Hybrid

    Breeding for No-Crow or Low-Crow roosters?

    Are there people that breed for roosters who does not crow at all or crow very little? Is it even possible to breed for such thing?
  20. Shamo Hybrid

    Shade cloth sufficient enough?

    Are shade cloth sufficient enough to protect chickens from the sun, especially during the hot summer days? I was thinking of maybe expanding and instead of buying boards (they get expensive!), I can maybe get a big roll of these shade cloth to cover up the chicken run to provide enough cover...
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