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  1. F

    When do you Spring clean your Coop?

    Just curious when you all spring clean your chicken coops. I live in upstate New York and our springs are often a mix of warm and cold/wet stretches. I'm itching to get out there to clean but might wait until warmer stretches. Coop isn't too bad right now anyways.
  2. F

    The Roost Shuffle

    Hi Everyone, So I have 12 hens that have more than enough roosting space for all of them to spread out (several feet of vacant space available - my roosts are all on the same level). However, I have hens that try to squeeze in next to other hens that are on top of the pecking order. These hens...
  3. F

    Irritated Breast Bone Area with Missing feathers

    I have 12 chickens and my 2 Golden Buffs have been looking a bit rough this spring. I figured they were just going through a molting stage (they are about 18 months old). However, upon further investigation, I noticed their breast bone area is very bare and reddish. The reddish are could be just...
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