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  1. Duckfarmer1

    New additions to C&DFarming!!

    So, in case anyone cares to look us up..we now have a little FB page...C&DFarming. It’s the picture of a silver goat. The FB page went nuts and is making me a bit too busy for my liking. Hoping it settles down. Not sure if you all know but we breed Juliana mini pigs...had our first litter...
  2. Duckfarmer1

    So this @duckfarmer1 finally got some new Muscovies!!

    Yeah!! I’ve been waiting...a friend my town was hatching some beautiful Muscovies. She was giving me first! There was a lavender setting on a bunch of eggs, and I wanted a few soooo bad!! But, then the COVID-19 ampted up so I decided to get the ducklings earlier...I got 2 adorable black and...
  3. Duckfarmer1

    Do I have four Broodies??

    I have 2BOs, a black sexlink and a white..I always call her a leghorn, but she’s not, in a hurry so I can’t look her up. Anyways..they all have been setting in my nest crazy!! I sell my eggs and the demand has sky rocketed!! I have 3 stores now...who deliver...and need 4dz a week...
  4. Duckfarmer1

    Mustard explosion still didn’t stop these egg eaters!!

    Ugh!! I have 36 laying hens and typically get between 27-32 eggs a day. Well, a few weeks ago they stated eating eggs. They are now ramping it up and I lost 6! yesterday!! 😞. First I put oval rocks in from our landscaping..then I bought porcelain Easter eggs...then they had hollowEd out the...
  5. Duckfarmer1

    Random incubator discrepancies?

    Hi everyone. I just bought a slightly used Hoverbator. I’ve been reading tons of threads, right along. Soooo much info. Plus, tapping the net for tips. Seems to be differing info everywhere? Ok, so many days is ideal to let my eggs set out? It says up to 7. Humidity says to keep...
  6. Duckfarmer1

    How has corona virus affected your lives?

    I’m also on BYH, and we are a much smaller forum.....but, we all know each other very well because of it. Someone started this thread, and it’s amazing the reaction it has gotten. I thought I’d start it on here too? So, as for Son is a junior at Slippery Rock university. His school...
  7. Duckfarmer1

    ISO 3-4 Muscovies

    . I am looking for Muscovies!! Only 1 male, the rest must be females!! I am in N.w PA with a big beautiful “s”. Shaped pond, for our last name. Ducks love it! I have had up to 43 at one point and it’s time to get a few more. Please call. 814-594-6898
  8. Duckfarmer1

    Looking for Muscovies in NW PA!!

    I am a dark farmer who mistakenly sold her flock...and now my heart is broken!! I’m hoping to find some birds with color. If you know anyone that can meet me, or help get some ducks!! Please contact me here, or on FB at C&D Farming!! 🙏
  9. Duckfarmer1

    Freezing eggs?

    Ok, so right now we have too many eggs. We are selling a ton of them, which is great, but we have pullet eggs, and just way too many to sell. I have 19 dozen in my fridge at any given time. We give them away like crazy!! As soon as the weather breaks, we are putting a road sign up and a...
  10. Duckfarmer1

    EE egg colors?

    I’ve had a tan EE since August, she was about a year old when we got her. All my eggs were brown, with the exception of one light tan then. I figured it was hers. I never checked her for laying. I always figured those were her eggs. I have a new EE. She’s about 6 months now. Every week or...
  11. Duckfarmer1

    Update on Little Lou

    Hi all...I thought those of you who know my Little Lou might want to know how things are going for him. Well, he seems to have trouble with his one eye again, probably from still not dunking his head. He’s got two bowls of shallow and heated, one tall for dunking, also heated. We...
  12. Duckfarmer1

    Hay use...

    We recently had to deal with lice. When I wrote about the clean up etc, on our sister site ...BYH..I wrote that I put down some DE after spraying with permTurin...and then put a thin layer of hay on 5he ground make raking easier next time..then a ton of wood chips..then a tons of hay...
  13. Duckfarmer1

    My goats kidded!!

    On goat Stormy..was talking up a storm! I thought she was either going to deliver, or was reacting to the new goats that we got the night before that were in her previous pasture. I had to run out, so I told my hubby to watch her closely and text if something happened. He texted...
  14. Duckfarmer1

    Goats about to kid! Yeah!

    So...I have two adorable goats...Busty, Nigerian Dwarf mix and Stormy, a Pygmy Mix. The buck is full ND. They are both due to kid this week...if we did the math right. Let’s put it this way..they were both exposed to our buck exactly 145 days, Stormy should be due today, as she is a...
  15. Duckfarmer1

    Bantams for production?

    Hi there! We are trying to grow our farm...but, also, we e found that eating our younger birds are darn tasted. We don’t want to keep them around for 5-6 mths, like we just did with our NHR cockerels...too much feed. We had meat birds last year..didn’t like them..because, they were, no fun...
  16. Duckfarmer1

    Best Permethrin dust product advice?

    So,’s birds have...the dreaded ...lice!! :(. I live in a very small permethrin dust here..we went 40 miles today to check stores....nothing there, I’m online looking at buying that way..sooo many choices!! I’d like to stay in the $7-8 range since I...
  17. Duckfarmer1

    My bald ‘Whitey’

    Hi there, awhile back I posted a thread about Whitey , my Leghorn, having a very, ummm, yucky bumm. A friend who is a pigeon owner suggested we put iodine in her water. I checked on here, it was recommended that we simply trim her bumm feathers. We did that, and she had no problems. Today, I...
  18. Duckfarmer1

    Little Lou..eye trouble..oh nooo!!, Little Lou developed eye issues wayyy back in December when he wasn’t well with his broken knee. He wouldn’t dunk his became..perhaps an infection...anyways it was deci on here to treat with saline drops to loosen the eyes..because he coul open..and then use teramyacin. Did...
  19. Duckfarmer1

    French Toulouse Goose Drake, needs a lady love

    Hi there. Our Honky is very unhappy, and we would like to find him a happy place to be. He is a big beautiful goose....mild mannered, accept that he misses not having a girlfriend. I think if he had someone to share his day, he would finally be happy. We are in NW PA. I’m willing to meet...
  20. Duckfarmer1

    Double litter of kits!!!

    Hi this is an interesting rabbit story for ya....I’ve been breeding rabbits for a year now...having’s a the hang of it, etc. I have a rabbit with a litter right now with 6 kits that are just over 4 weeks old. There were 9 but 3 didn’t make it, various reasons...
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