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  1. FathertoFeathers

    Coop redesign

    I’m in the process of redesigning my coop. My family recently moved to a property with more land so we could homestead. During that time we built a temporary little coop for the birds but it is far from ideal. I’d like to build a new coop that has nice features and by that I mean little things...
  2. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    Yesterday when I was working in the yard I noticed one of my bronze turkey hens face was swollen. About a month or two ago all my birds caught some respiratory infection which I treated with some amoxicillin I had on hand. After about 10 days on it and some tlc everyone was feeling and looking...
  3. FathertoFeathers

    Pigeons with chickens

    I’m interested in how coops/lofts are set up for those who keep chickens and pigeons together. If you keep them together please show me your setups! I’m very curious and could use some inspiration!
  4. FathertoFeathers

    Pigeon flew away

    Yesterday I bought 2 pairs of Damascene pigeons from an auction. I got back home well after dark so I left them in the small container they were in for the night. This morning I went to move them to a larger cage because they couldn’t spend the quarantine period in the small cage they came in...
  5. FathertoFeathers

    Muscovy hen with pronounced limp

    Yesterday I came home from a 4 day trip and found my Muscovy hen under the shed with a clutch of eggs. She was too far underneath the shed for me to get her so I let her be. This morning when I went to go feed the birds I noticed she was limping quite badly. So I picked her up and immediately...
  6. FathertoFeathers

    Broody parakeet but no eggs?

    I have a female and male pair of parakeets and for the past week and a half my female has spent almost all of her time in the nesting box. Pulling out feathers, scratching around and puffing herself up like a broody hen. She’s become territorial of the nesting box and does not like when I go...
  7. FathertoFeathers

    How loud are chukars?

    I have a friend of mine is gifting me some chukars but I’m wondering how loud they are. In comparison to a chicken how loud are they?
  8. FathertoFeathers

    Quail cover plants?

    I want to plant some good cover plants for my quail as they like to hide. But are they like chickens and ducks in the sense that they’ll just trash any plants I put in there? I was thinking of putting a Boston fern in there for them but I don’t know if they’ll shred it. Anyone had success with...
  9. FathertoFeathers

    Questions about Pigeons and their care

    I have a friend who has just found out he is in need of a double lung transplant and is looking to get rid of his birds. Yesterday he offered me two male pigeons a fantail and I believe the other is a homing but I’m not sure. I’d love to take them as he’s wanting them to go to a good home...
  10. FathertoFeathers

    Duck suddenly can’t walk

    As I was working outside today I noticed my hen just floating in her pool. Which isn’t normal for her. I went over to check her out and she was sinking in the water. Not floating on top but almost completely submerged. Just the top of her back and neck were above water. So I grabbed her and set...
  11. FathertoFeathers

    Is this poult blind?

    I had a poultry hatch day and noticed his eyes were noticeably different from the others. At first I thought maybe I was overthinking things and maybe it was the lighting so I left him alone for a bit but lo and behold they are still the same. They’re this milky color. Sorry the picture isn’t...
  12. FathertoFeathers

    Will my turkey hen be upset if I take her newborn poults?

    I have a hen sitting on a clutch of eggs and this morning I woke up to two new poults and more on the way. I plan on selling them so I thought it would be better if I removed the chicks when they’re only a few hours old rather than letting her raise them up and me taking them whenever someone...
  13. FathertoFeathers

    Staggered Hatch

    I have a turkey hen sitting on a clutch of eggs rn. I thought both of my hens were broody but it turns out one of them had still been laying and my other hen would just put the new eggs under her. I didn’t know until a few days ago when I candled them and noticed the differences in development...
  14. FathertoFeathers

    Can chickens hatch turkey eggs?

    I have some royal palm eggs that my turkey hens laid and they are developing. One of my turkey hens (Delia) is sitting on her clutch but my Serama hen (pancake) is hell bent on hatching some turkey eggs too. She steals two eggs from Delia and sits on them. She can completely cover two and I’ve...
  15. FathertoFeathers

    Scalped Rooster

    I just got back from picking up some chickens off of Craigslist. Among one of them my Ayam Cemani rooster is not in good shape. I know people are going to wonder why I even bought him then. I bought him because I did not want him getting more and more beat up. I wanted to give him a better...
  16. FathertoFeathers

    Would my Ko Shamo Rooster be able to mate with a O Shamo hen?

    My Ko Shamo pullet passed recently and my cockerel is distraught about it. I’ve been looking all over for a Ko female but to no luck. I really want to get him a mate but so far I can only find O Shamos. Would the O Shamo females be too large for my cockerel?
  17. FathertoFeathers

    Any KO Shamo breakers near Memphis TN?

    I’m looking for a KO Shamo female for my cockerel. His mate recently passed and he’s heartbroken about it. I’ve been looking high and low for anyone who has a female but haven’t had much luck. If push comes to shove I am willing to ship
  18. FathertoFeathers

    I thought Ascites but now maybe cancer?

    For awhile now my hen has had this big bulge at her butt. Butt recently it’s gotten bigger. I did some digging and found out that it could be ascites. I bought some needles and got ready to drain it. It felt like a water balloon so I thought it was a good sign. But nothing but air came out. I...
  19. FathertoFeathers

    My parakeets leg suddenly went limp. What’s going on?

    I woke up this morning and noticed that my parakeet Tiki was sitting funny on his leg. I thought maybe he’s just being weird or something and didn’t think anything of it until I let him fly around my room and noticed his leg wasn’t working at all. He was dragging himself along the top of his...
  20. FathertoFeathers

    Abandoned ducks. Need help on how to catch them.

    Today I went to the park and noticed three non wild ducks in the pond. Two Pekins and one Magpie. My mom tossed them some food and they were starving. So we went home and got them some actual food and tossed out three quarts. They ate all of it. They are pretty take for ducks especially ones...
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