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  1. happy_feets12

    Swollen chicken eye!

    Hi guys, so i have one chicken and she has swollen eye. We went to the vet and she gave her two medicine(Azithromycin and Metronidazole) for 21 day. i see a little improvment,but her is eye is still a little bit swollen. Does someone have some advice?,any natural treatments?? Our vet is very...
  2. happy_feets12

    Need helpl!

    Hi guys how are you doing.... i totally forgot about this page haha i didnt have any problems with chickens but i have now🥺 I have one white chicken she i eating and drinking but she i so skinny and i see in her mouth some yellow thing. I tought it was cancer and gave her RONIDAZOLE, but she is...
  3. happy_feets12

    I dont know whats wrong with my chickenn?!?

    Hi guys, i will be happy if someone help me with my problem. So i have shabo chicken and she went broody but on day 7-8 she started to act strange. She doesn want to eat or drink. I gave her some dewormer and Oxytetracycline(antibiotics). Yesterday i thought that she is better because she drink...
  4. happy_feets12

    Broody chicken

    Hi so i have a broody shabo chicken. She laid on eggs for 7 days but today she is just standing next to eggs. She drinks but wont eat at all. What can i do with her? Thank you for advices😊
  5. happy_feets12


    Hii, so i have one hen and i think that she has Coccidiosis.....I read alot of articles about this disease how can you treat it naturally at home...I tried with a garlic, apple cider vinegar and many more but nothing helped.....I wanted to buy Corid but i live in europe and its forbidden 🚫.Our...
  6. happy_feets12

    Pasty butt?!

    Hello, so two days ago my mama chick hatched her 7 baby chicks and one of then had pasty butt i think and i cleand his vent with warm water. But today i notice that his vent isn't moving and he is trying to poop but he can't. I soked him for 5min in warm water and massaged his vent. Then i also...
  7. happy_feets12


    Hi guys, so i have a broody hen with 6 little babys and one of then is acting weird.(just standing in on spot, moves a little bit, he has ruffled feathers). Maybe can be coccidiosis because i found one bloody drooping in their house. Is there any treatment for this disease and i can get rid of...
  8. happy_feets12

    Silkie cannot stand on her leg

    Hi guys, so this morning i went to check my beutiful girl and i came to see this. She cannot walk or stand on her leg,but yesterday she was running outside. Whats wrong with her can someone tell me please i dont want to lose her😕
  9. happy_feets12

    Padovan chicken go broody

    Hi guys, i have one question about my Padovana chicken. I read that this breed won’t go broody is that true? My chicken is sitting in nest and when i come near she purrs. Does she maybe want to lay and egg or what?
  10. happy_feets12

    Weird acting chicken

    Hi, so i have this chicken she is one year old. She was this days normal but today she was acting weird. Most pf the time she stands like this. Her crop was in the morning half full, she drinsk and eats soletimes but not often how she ate before. When the rooster jumps on her she set in...
  11. happy_feets12

    Where can i buy CORID?

    Hello, so i want to buy some CORID for my chicken because she has coccidiosis. But the problem is that i dont live in USA i live in Europe and we dont have that medicine. Can somesone tell where can i buy it or can someone send me? Thank youu😊
  12. happy_feets12

    Weird chicken poop

    Hi guys, so i have one chicken about 5 months old and she was before diagnosed with coccidiosis and she was successful treated. Yesterday she was acting strange. Doesn’t want to eat or drink but today i caught a picture of her poop and is green. Does this mean that she has coccidiosis again?
  13. happy_feets12

    Swollen eye!!

    Hi, on 7th of september i take one of my polish baby chicken to tthe vet, because she had swollen eye. The vet take care of him and he gave her a medicine called Marbofloxacin and i was told to clean her eye with saled water from pharmacy. I need to gave her this antibiotic twice a day for 10...
  14. happy_feets12


    Hello i have quite a few chickens and the problems started when chicken got one part of the face swollen and some sneezed and coughed weirdly. I called the vet and told him what it was about and he gave me Oxytetracyclini chloridum and some anthelmintics. when I gave them these medications...
  15. happy_feets12

    Infected chicken eye

    Hi so i have this little silkie male. Yesterday his eye look infected. How can i treat his eye? Is this maybe caused bye antibiotics, because few days ago all of my chicken where taking an antibiotic.
  16. happy_feets12

    Choking chicken??!?!

    Hi, so i have one chicken and she this morning started to act different. She doesn’t want to eat, just drink. And when i hold hher up i hear sound like whining . I looked in her throat but i didn’t see nothing, i put some olive oil inside and massage her throat but didn’t work. I massage her...
  17. happy_feets12

    Help me with my rooster!!

    Hi guys, so i have this rooster and he i very young around 10month and he was yeasterday OK, then i let them out in garden and he was suddenly incapable. He can walk and run around but his left eye is all the time half closed and his right eye is opened. he drinks weird like he didn’t know hot...
  18. happy_feets12

    Help me with my chicken!

    Hi guys, so i have one problem with my one chicken. She is weak, she won’t eat, i give her pureed food(I mixed vitamin B and D, oats, carrot and apple)and some water(i give one spoon of sugar in water). She is just laying on floor(she can also stand up and sleep on feet), her eyes are always...
  19. happy_feets12

    Why is my chicken weak?

    Hi guys, so I have ona problem. My chicken was last week allright, but last 4 days she is weak. She won’t eat and drink, she is always sleepy and when i take her put she is cold. Today I saw some tears coming from her eye. Can you guys help me what to do with my chick?(I hope she survives🤞🏻)...
  20. happy_feets12

    Polish chicken

    Hi, so I have this Polish chicken, she isn't even one year old. Maybe month ago she was outside with other chickens and other chickens pull her feathers of her back. After one or two week she got one big bump on her back and I cleand it and remove the scratch. Whilee i was cleaning this bump I...
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