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  • Users: PVILLAGO
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    A injured Chicken Foot

    Two days ago I noticed one of my girls was limping. It's been wet and muddy here. I washed her feet. I see nothing wrong. She can't scratch but she still tries gingerly. She can't run to me anymore. She gets up on the roost at night but she walks up and takes two hops and she's ready for bed...


    2 of my 10 girls have this on their wattles. They are eating and running around the yard and run. We are in Texas they get treats and frozen treats daily They are 2yr 7mo old. Any info appreciated.



    Whats on their heads?

    I have a red chicken who has a powder looking area at the base of her comb. I've looked at the area for sometime? and see nothing. It's not spreading but today I noticed a spot that looks like a scab. I put some Vetrycin(sp) on the area. Without photos any ideas what that could be?

    Is this normal?

    My chicken is 10months and I notice at the base of her comb this strange looking area. I'm not sure about when they begin molting and if this could be related?? I have 10 chickens and 4 had poop butts last week. I trimmed them and all is good but this picture need input from someone who knows...

    Chicken Orbs

    Has anyone used chicken orbs? If yes, pros and cons. Thanks

    Question about 14wk pullet behaviour

    My girls are 14wks old now. I went out to the coop today and one of my barred rocks had scratched herself a nice hole and was laying in it. She never even got up. She just kept scratching dirt and wiggling in the hole. She didn't appear to be bathing. I have a kiddie pool for their dust bath...

    8WK old brag photos

    I've been busy with work,life and chickens. I don't think I've been on here since they were 3wks old. I was terrified my baby chicks would freeze to death. But here we are and they are 8wks old. I am in love with these chicks. They entertain me so much. I have a chair I put in the run and...

    What Next??

    My chicks are 3wks old now and I'm not sure what i should be doing for their continued growing process? They are getting big and try and fly out of their cardboard condo when I'm cleaning it. They are getting tail feather now @ND their combs are coming in. They still snuggle under the heat lamp...

    Baby Chick feather question

    I'm not sure if you can tell but on both wings there are 2 bare spots. Is that normal? There's no blood or broken skin but curious if anyone knows what it is. TIA

    Cold Weather and Baby Chicks

    My baby Chicks are almost 2 weeks old. They are in a brooder inside my coop. We've gotten past the pasty butt stage and they are growing, eating, drinking and pooping like there's a gold medal waiting at the end of the day. My concern is we are scheduled to have single digit temps and I'm...

    One week and I'm in love with my girls BUT questions keep popping up

    I've made it through week one with my baby chicks and I am so in love with them it's crazy. I've named7 of the 10 because the 3 have not presented with a name that makes me think the name "suits their personalities. But they are getting tail feathers and wing feathers. I'm so excited to see...

    Curious if I was sent correct chicks

    Can someone identify the breed for me? Thanks in advance. I ordered Gold Stars ,Black Stars Plymouth.Barred Rocks and Brown Stars

    Training Pullets and Solar Door

    How do I Train my Pullets to go in and out of coop using the automatic solar door?

    New Chicken (pullets) Momma

    It has taken me 7 months and several medical issues to finally get my coop/run finished and ready for my pullets. They will be here Dec 20th. I'm excited and scared. I have read, researched for well over a year and feel like I've prepared for birth and getting the nursery ready. Now that all has...

    What is the deal with Broody hens?

    I am new to the chicken raising process and I've taken alot of time to build my coop and run. I've spent alot of time sealing up all cracks and crevices to keep the vermin out of their coop. I have a autoimmune disorder so I work on it when I can and rest when I can't . Long story short we...

    Needing Pullets in Texas

    I have tried to order pullets from a few hatcheries but they are sold out. AND the ones that have the pullets they are selling them for $25?? I was dealing with Ideal Poultry in Cameron, TX and Murray McMurtry I live SW of FT. Worth, TX Any suggestions or recommendations? I am wanting to add 9...

    Coop a work in progress

    If it ever stops raining long enough to dry the ground out we will finish our coop and run. Needs interior and exterior paint. Circulation vent needs to be cut wider. Bought the rain barrel just in time b4 all the rain. Will use it for my gravity fed watering system. Adding solar auto dusk to...

    COCHINS in the TEXAS heat?

    I was considering getting Cochins for my little flock but it appears they don't tolerate heat very well? Anyone on here from Texas that has Cochins? Advice, suggestions? Thanks in Advance.

    Question about Brown Star vs Golden Star

    After reading and reading and doing my research I decided on the ISA Brown and thought it was the Brown Star. The Hatchery said it is the Golden Star. OK so I go back and read and read and honestly don't know how to decide. The female is the only difference I can see? It says Brown Sex Links...
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