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  1. VeryHappyHens

    Solved Hacker deleting threads!!

    There has been an hacker deleting threads!! They even deleted the thread that we were talking about this problems. I also feel like the hacker hacked castorporny .Dont worry hacker we will find out who you are very soon!!;)
  2. VeryHappyHens

    HELPP!! My rabbit is peeing out of the litter box.

    So I know this is an app for chicken but can not find a rabbit app. My rabbit bubbles is peeing out of the litter box I asume its territorial google say to stop it I have to spay but I feel like its wrong to spay an animal is there other ways I can stop her from peeing in the floor. None of the...
  3. VeryHappyHens

    Can ducks eat chick starter?

    Hi I ran out of baby duck and chick mix feed and all I have is chick starter is it fine to feed them chick starter its also medicated until I have time to buy new duckling and chick mix raiser feed from TSC. Will medicated chick starter harm baby ducklings.
  4. VeryHappyHens

    Is it fine to feed chicks over 10 weeks old chick starter?

    Hi so this girl said that its bad to feed chicks over 10 weeks medicated chick starter feed and that it does not have enough nutrition. Is it safe to feed my teenage chicks medicated chick starter?
  5. VeryHappyHens

    YAY!!! Broody runner ducks!!

    I am so excited 2 of my runner duck are hatching eggs together in the same box. I am so delighted to have baby ducklings peep out soon!:love:woot:wee
  6. VeryHappyHens

    HELPP! bumble FEET!

    Hi my hen autum has bumble feet. Does anyone know a non surgical way to remove it? How do I remove it here are some pics!!!
  7. VeryHappyHens

    Best incbators.

    Hi, I never used an incubator to hatch eggs unless it was one of my broody hen that hatched eggs for me. Does anyone know a good incubators that have high hatch rate. Im hatching norfolk grey chickens and mosaics. Hatching 38 eggs.
  8. VeryHappyHens

    Do TSC/Hoover hatchery buff orpingtons go broody.

    Hi does anyone know if hoover hatchery/ TSC buff orpingtons go broody. I recently got some buff orpington pullets from TSC wondering if they go as broody as often?
  9. VeryHappyHens

    Baby chicks not opening eyes.

    Hi one of my buff Orpington chick cannot open her eyes she is eating and drinking but her eyes are squinting
  10. VeryHappyHens

    Chicken breeds with pink legs?

    I know turkens have pink legs is there any other chicken breeds with pink legs?
  11. VeryHappyHens


    One of my lakevelnder pullets is drooling and shaking her head I don’t know how to post videos on your so yeah. Does anyone know what to do. I brought her and her crew outside but than one of the black austlorp seems sleepy.
  12. VeryHappyHens

    Update also got more chicks.

    I got some baby chicks their bantams TSC.
  13. VeryHappyHens

    Update on them!!

    Hi I gotten new bantam chicks from TSC.
  14. VeryHappyHens

    What on earth.

    I found this chicken on the streets I brought him home he is covered in blood I wonder who belongs to. Also what is his breed. I let him outside to forage now I’m gonna clean his blood and keep him in a pen. He is not mine I have found him in the middle of the street forest.
  15. VeryHappyHens

    Rooster or hen?

    5 weeks old. I’m skeptical of this lakevelnder chick comb looks a bit big.
  16. VeryHappyHens

    Granny hens only.

    This thread is only for old hens that are 6 years old or older. Tell me who is a grandma in your flock. I have a very sweet granny chicken Izzy she is 10 years old she was so mean when she was young but now she turned into this sweet grandma and the funny thing is she gives my flock treats...
  17. VeryHappyHens

    TSC new brooders.

    I am not liking TSC new brooders. Yes I bought some chicks and their all healthy. But not a fan of the new brooder their using all the chicks seemed huddle up and lethargic. I am curious to know you guys opinions on it.
  18. VeryHappyHens

    TSC issues.

    Has anyone been receiving the same issue with me lately from TSC. I have been noticing once TSC baby chicks arrive the put as in hold for a day or they lie and say they have sold out of chicks at. I called my two local TSC and they have said either of those. One of them received baby chicks but...
  19. VeryHappyHens

    Pretty chicken contest!

    🦋Post a picture of your prettiest chicken!!🦋 You are allowed to post a mixed breed or a pure breed it does not matter only the beauty does. Rules: 1. Only Pictures 1-3 different chickens. 2.The only poultry bird you are...
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