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  • Users: Henfla
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  1. Henfla

    Any idea what is wrong with my hen?

    I have a two year old hen. It started three days ago when she was trying to lay an egg in the evening when the others were going to roost for the night. It ended with her not laying an egg, but I could not feel any egg around her vent area, so I concluded with her not being egg bound. The...
  2. Henfla

    What pests are these creatures?

    The egg was still a bit wet, and there was many small insects crawling on that egg. I checked all the chickens under the wings etc, but didn't find anything on them. They are so small it was hard to make them visible on the photo I have diatomaceous earth, so the chickens are taking a dust...
  3. Henfla

    Can my chickens get infected with human influenza (H3N2 or H1N1)?

    So I have tested positive for influenza today and I have been ill since tuesday (I am much worse today, so before today I thought it was the common cold). Yesterday I had the rooster inside for a bit because he was very loud for very long, and I had him on my lap for a bit to calm him. So now I...
  4. Henfla

    Chicken seems sick, but I don't know whats wrong

    I came home from work and went into the coop with some salad for the chickens, and noticed that one of the girls didn't come down from the perch, so I took her inside. She seems very sleepy. She ate some mealworms that I gave her. She has had bumblefoot under both her feet since june last year...
  5. Henfla

    Calcium deposits on all the eggs

    Hi! My hens are all one year old. The last month or so, they have all been laying eggs with calcium deposits on them. I don't give them layer feed because I have a rooster, so the calcium in the pellets are 1,87% (the layer feed has 3,5% here). So I give them oyster shells in a separate...
  6. Henfla

    Going away on vacation and worry about the heat at home, how much should I worry?

    So, I live in the arctic and we are not used to high temperatures (I think the highest we had was 77 degrees a few weeks ago, and my chickens did fine). I am leaving in just a few hours actually and will be away for 8 days. I worry about many things about how they will manage without me, but...
  7. Henfla

    Limping cockerel for no obvious reason, how long before putting him down

    My beautiful 20 weeks old cockerel started limping on wednesday, and it is obvious that his left foot is painful. I have checked the foot and I can not find any reason for his pain. I feel bad for him even though he is eating and drinking etc, but I don't want him to be in constant pain for too...
  8. Henfla

    Bumblefoot - soft white tissue under the hard yellow

    Hello! Yesterday I noticed that one of my chickens had bumblefoot under both of her feet. She doen't limp (maybe because both of her feet was hurting) or have severe swelling, but it's a bit swollen and one of them was worse than the other. It was a brown scab that I removed two days ago after...
  9. Henfla

    Chicken can't stand properly - mareks or something else?

    I have 7 chickens. Today when I went into the coop, I noticed that one of my chickens was sitting on her butt. She is one year old. She can stand and walk a little, but then she needs to lie down. When I lifted her up, she wanted to stand on my arm and her feet felt strong. We went to a vet...
  10. Henfla

    Chicken introduction and having to go to work

    Hello! So, I have an 9 weeks old (soon 10 weeks) cockerel and mother that has lived in a closed off space in the coop. They have been outside their space in the coop with the others when I have been there for about one hour every day. Some of the chickens have been aggressive both towards the...
  11. Henfla

    How should a mother hen act?

    I had one chicken that hatched two days ago. The other eggs were not fertilized, and she layed on two more eggs until the baby chicken hatched and then I removed them from underneath her after candling them. She still acts like she's broody even though she doesn't go back to the nest anymore if...
  12. Henfla

    Tried to move broody hen unsucsessfully. Any tips?

    One of my hens became broody three days ago. Yesterday I gave her some fertilized eggs to lay on. I have two nesting boxes for my 6 hens, but everyone wants to use the same one so I wanted to move her to a separate space so that the others can lay eggs without her being in the nesting box and...
  13. Henfla

    Hen with swelling under eye

    Noticed that one of my hens have swelling under one of her eyes today when I was giving her cuddles. She is acting normal and eating. What should I do?
  14. Henfla

    I have built a new coop for my chickens and yesterday they moved inside!

    I bought a playhouse and insulated it under the floor, the walls and roof. I then laid sheet vinyl on the floor and covered walls and roof with regular wall panels. I also installed one 180 watt tube heater under the roost and I hope that keeps the temperature over freezing for them at night. I...
  15. Henfla

    Chicken seems depressed, or is she ill?

    I have six pullets; five mix breeds and one cochin bantam. They have been together since they were 2 days old. 2 weeks ago, the cochin bantam went broody, so I gave her two lukewarm baths on her stomach (she dried up inside before I put her out with the rest) and I also took her out of the nest...
  16. Henfla

    Pullet laying soft shelled eggs

    Hi! One of my pullets layed her first egg 24th of september and it was soft shelled. She is the only one that lays white eggs, and today I found the shell of another soft shelled egg when I was cleaning under the roost. I haven't found white eggs in between these two times, and it's 2,5 weeks...
  17. Henfla

    I got my first egg!!

    Look! I let my chickens out to free range at about 10 am this morning, and after a while my bantam cochin (19 weeks old) started making a little more noise than usual, walking around away from the rest of the flock. I thought that maybe she needs to lay an egg because she have been squatting...
  18. Henfla

    Bantam cochin start laying at about 20 weeks?

    I have one bantam cochin and the rest are mix with wyandotte. All of them are 19 weeks now. A few days ago, the bantam cochin started squatting when I was going to pick her up. I have felt her pelvic bones, and they have separated. Her vent is also much larger now. I haven't seen her messing...
  19. Henfla

    Is this fox poop outside the chicken run?

    On friday I was inside while my chickens were locked up in their run. Suddently one of my hens made a very alarming noise (at first I didn't even think it was my hens because I have never heard them make a sound like that before, but the sound made me jump up and run outside as fast as I could...
  20. Henfla

    How much water do I need to force in my sick chicken?

    One of my chickens have become ill with white watery diarrhea. We have seen a vet today and started antibiotics. It may be salmonella, but we don't know until in 3 days. I have her inside and she is lethargic. She stands and sleeps for the most time. She doesn't want to drink anything, so the...
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