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  • Users: AmyA248
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  1. AmyA248

    WRY NECK just started at 5 days old! HELP!!!!

    I have another Muscovy duckling that was born normal but developed wry neck at 5 days old. We tried to make a brace out of a sponge, but she freaked out! We read about giving her B1 and selenium but I don’t know if that is the correct information or how much to give. We already have a year old...
  2. AmyA248

    New Muscovy Mom is VERY rough with her new babies.. 😢

    Hi friends, Our new Muscovy mom is VERY rough with her ducklings. She was fine with the first one until the other 4 hatched all in one day 5 days after the first duckling hatched. I witnessed her hitting her 3 hour old baby so hard I was really worried and moved 2 babies to a brooder box. Why...
  3. AmyA248

    PLEASE, could someone help me figure out what’s wrong with my beautiful Pekin???

    Good afternoon, After losing his mate, my male Pekin has not been himself, and over the past month he has stopped bathing and something is VERY WRONG because he looks TERRIBLE!! He has several sores and is a complete MESS!! We keep our coupe immaculate and they are all very well cared for a...
  4. AmyA248

    HELP! Premature Muscovy HATCHED and is pulling around the bottom of his shell that’s still attached! PLEASE HELP US! 😩

    PLEASE HELP! We have a Muscovy that was not due until Sunday. We couldn’t stop him from hatching and now he’s dragging around the bottom half of the shell that is still ATTACHED by some stringy material. I know I should NEVER pull it off, but I’m a wreak and don’t know what to do!
  5. AmyA248

    Please help! I can’t tell if my eggs are”Mules”, if my Pekin mated with my Muscovy. When should lockdown be? & I’m scared about the dent as well! 😩

    Hi! I honestly can’t tell if my 4 duck eggs are Mules, I have Muscovy’s and one Female Pekin. They dug a hole and laid 5 eggs on different dates, only 2 are the same age, 26 days today. If they are Mules I don’t know when to start lockdown, they are doing so well I don’t want to lose them! Is...
  6. AmyA248

    Incubating Muscovy and Pekin eggs at different ages and I can’t tell the difference! How can I tell??

    Hello to all! My ducks have began to lay again but are not sitting. They dug a deep hole and laid 6 eggs. The problem is we now have Pekins as well and I honestly don’t know if the eggs are Muscovy or Pekin! I need to find out because lockdown is different and the eggs are of different ages. If...
  7. AmyA248

    We have a 19 day old Pekin and she has her mouth open a lot! I’m not familiar with Pekins and was wondering if this is normal. 🤷‍♀️

    Hello to all! We currently have our first Pekin duckling from our 11 month old parents. She is 19 days old and was the only one that hatched out of 3 eggs. Mom didn’t sit, so I incubated her eggs. Her name is Stella and she is currently in a large puppy playpen with everything she needs. She...
  8. AmyA248

    🤷‍♀️ I’m in need of advice on how to care for a lone duckling! 🐣

    Hello to all, Sadly, only one of my 4 Muscovy duck eggs survived. And my little miracle baby is alone. I have read and know lone ducklings do not do well due to the fact they are social animals and could actually die of depression and loneliness. 😢 I made a special brooder box for her with a...
  9. AmyA248

    😢 WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?! Another duckling hatched too early and yolk sac is still full! 💔

    Hi everyone, I honestly believe I’m cursed! I learned my lesson and DID NOT intervene this time except for a safety hole. My duckling internally piped and made no progress for over 48 hours, so I made a tiny safety hole and 48 hours later she zipped and hatched halfway out. She was 5 days...
  10. AmyA248

    Do you believe this tiny Muscovy egg is still alive?? 🥰🙏

    Good morning! My daughter found 5 abandoned eggs scattered around our coupe a month ago. I was not going to incubate any more eggs due to all of the previous problems we have encountered with incubation. But a friend of mine fell in love with our Muscovy’s and very much wants to start her own...
  11. AmyA248

    “My flock of Muscovy ducks.” 🦆💕🥰

    Happy Saturday everyone! I just wanted to post some pictures of my flock of 9 Muscovy’s and 2 Pekins. I also want to thank all of you that helped me with some very scary situations with incubation and hatching, if it wasn’t for the help of this group, half of my flock would not be here today...
  12. AmyA248

    😢 Why won’t anyone answer my question about my duckling with scoliosis??

    I really love this group and all of you have helped me tremendously! I have an important question regarding my duckling with scoliosis that I posted under Emergencies and Diseases yesterday. Not one person answered and I truly need help and advice.. 💔
  13. AmyA248

    Muscovy duckling has scoliosis and keeps getting stuck on his back in the coupe. He’s 7 weeks old. I feel so bad and need advice. 😢

    Good morning to all! I have a Muscovy duckling that was born with severe scoliosis. I’m trying to give him the best life possible, but there are things he can’t do. We have 11 ducks and he and his two siblings are the youngest, at 7 weeks. His siblings stay by him and seem to protect him, but...
  14. AmyA248

    Infant duckling was left on my doorstep yesterday. I’m terrified because she hasn’t eaten eaten or drank since 3:00 yesterday!!

    Good morning, Yesterday we came home to find an infant duckling on our front porch in a box. Everyone knows we keep ducks.. She’s just darling and so tiny! But I’m terrified because she hasn’t eaten anything or drank since 3:00 yesterday!! I’ve tried EVERYTHING! I drip her beak in water with...
  15. AmyA248

    Help with identifying odd looking eggs.

    Good morning, My daughter found these strange eggs this morning and I was wondering if the large one is from my Pekin. The small pointy one is a mystery, but my Pekins are only 5 months old and I’m concerned that the eggs will not be healthy. Thank you! Kindly, Amy
  16. AmyA248

    My Muscovy duckling was diagnosed with scoliosis. I’m lost in regards to what to do for him. 😢 Any advice would be a blessing! ❤️

    Good afternoon, So, what we initially thought was wry neck in my duckling is actually scoliosis, and a severe case at that. Little Franklin is now 19 days old and since day 1 I have been treating him for wry neck, obviously there was no improvement but I’m sure the vitamins kept him strong and...
  17. AmyA248

    I’ve noticed that ALL my Muscovy ducklings begin getting very loud at 16 days old! 🧐

    Good morning, I’ve been wanting to ask this question for awhile now. We raise Muscovy ducks, and I’ve noticed with all my hatches that exactly at the 16 day old mark they begin to become very vocal. Before this time they sound like quite song birds, but as soon as they are 16-17 days old they...
  18. AmyA248

    Wondering?… What would cause a duckling to hatch with wry neck? None of the others have it.

    I was doing some research and found out the causes of wry neck, including injuries, bacterial infections or a dirty brooder, botulism, and vitamin deficiency’s. But I can’t figure out why just one would hatch with it. He was large and overdue, but mom abandoned them and I have them in their...
  19. AmyA248

    🧐 Wondering about the correct doses of vitamins for treating a duckling with wry neck. 🐥

    Good morning, We are currently doing everything possible in regards to treating our week old duckling with wry neck. I purchased: Niacin Vitamin E Nutra Drench Electrolytes Selenium And I’m giving him scrambled eggs and fresh leafy greens with warm, moist compresses (which he loves! 💕)...
  20. AmyA248

    *UPDATE. My wry neck ducking is not improving and I’m doing EVERYTHING I CAN! 😢

    Good afternoon, My little wry neck duckling is a week old today, and his neck is showing no improvement. He can eat eat and drink on his own, play with his siblings and toys and runs around in their playpen and outside in the fresh air and sun. Here’s what I’m doing for him: Purchased feed with...
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