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  1. Alexandra Runner

    Emergency! Help please!

    Hello, all! I found one of my escapee hens trying to eat a baby bird. It doesn't seem hurt (she only had its leg, and I appear to have caught her early.) I do not know what kind it is, only that it looks almost old enough to be on its own, but not yet. It's hungry, and I have no idea where the...
  2. Alexandra Runner

    Does Anybody Know...

    Does anybody know if chicks can be raised in proximity to a microwave? I have my microwave in the garage because of the tiny amount of radiation (and, yes, I can tell a difference from when I had it in the house.), but I also plan to have chicks in my garage in about a week. Has anyone had any...
  3. Alexandra Runner

    Your Assistance Please

    Hello, all! I am on day eight of incubation, and I have a bit of a problem. I know you are supposed to place eggs in the 'bator fat side up, aka air cell up. But I have a girl (Maneet) who laid a couple which don't seem to be consistent in the "fat side is the air cell side." Her eggs are a bit...
  4. Alexandra Runner

    Sex Link Question

    Hello, all! So, I have a question that might be stupid, but genetics is new to me. I have a SLW hen from a hatchery that clearly is not a full SLW, as she has a single comb as opposed to a rose comb. Other than that, she looks like a SLW. Can I still create a Cinnamon Queen by breeding her to my...
  5. Alexandra Runner

    Marking Eggs

    Hello! So, I was curious, how do people mark their eggs in their incubator, such as to distinguish which eggs are from which breeding pair? So, I thought I'd post a poll on it. Thank you!
  6. Alexandra Runner

    Cant find how...

    Hey, @TudyBOT how do I create a poll on BYC?
  7. Alexandra Runner

    Dust Bathing Addiction?

    Hello! I have an ten-month-old Easter Egger named Arwen who has apparently developed an obsession with dust bathing. She is still eating, drinking, and laying like normal, but all of her other time is spent in the dust hole. She was injured by my previous rooster, Jack, with a shallow slice on...
  8. Alexandra Runner

    Why not?

    @PicChick can you make a profile picture for a girl who loves horses and chickens?
  9. Alexandra Runner

    Lash Egg

    Hello all! I had a hen lay a lash egg this morning. She's been acting off for a while: pale comb, not laying, sitting around more than usual. In the last week she has seemed to be doing better, but there was a lash egg under her spot on the roosts this morning. I am not going to euthanize her...
  10. Alexandra Runner

    My Dog Had A Seizure. Please Help!

    I know this is technically a chicken site, but I don't know what else to do. My dog, Australian Labradoodle 12 years old, had a couple of seizures last night. She's acting like she's feeling fine this morning, but the vet isn't open for a while because its a Saturday. What can I do to help...
  11. Alexandra Runner

    Rooster Euthanasia

    Hello, all! I have a mean rooster whom I've kept way past his welcome. He was my good friend for a good long while, but then he started attacking me and my family. My friends I usually cull with have been saying they'll cull again "in a few weeks." That was October, and I keep getting the same...
  12. Alexandra Runner

    Blood on Poopboards

    Hello! So, I use poopboards in my coop, and when I went out this morning to scrape them off, there was blood in one spot. I'm not sure who was there, as I have thirty-nine roosting birds now. It looked almost as if someone had laid a shellless egg, but instead of a yolk, there was a gob of...
  13. Alexandra Runner

    Hi, I'm Alexandra!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I got my first feather babies March of 2022, and my flock somehow keeps expanding! Chicken math strikes again - strike that - chicken math strikes always!! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I started out with twelve...
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