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  1. booksandcranies

    Help with post egg bound chicken

    POST EGG BINDING ADVICE Hello!! I made a post about this yesterday but I’m hoping to get more feed back as I’m wanting to make sure I’m not missing ANYTHING, and I am concerned still. I was successful with helping my chicken remove her bound egg- and I’m fairly certain she doesn’t have...
  2. booksandcranies

    Post egg binding advice

    Hello, chicken first timer here. I helped my 9 month old bantam hen (Easter egger I believe) with a bound egg today. She was able to pass it with assistance from me and many, many epsom salt baths and tums. I’m unsure of what to do now that she has laid it. She isn’t eating very much- I’ve made...
  3. booksandcranies

    Groundhog problem: will coyote Pee scare my chickens

    So I, unfortunately, have a groundhog problem. We have been given advice by both Google and other people who have dealt with this to get coyote pee. But I’m nervous it will scare my hens- will it or can I proceed with buying it?
  4. booksandcranies

    To bantam rooster, or to not bantam rooster? That is the question

    I have a flock of all bantam hens (5 of them) and ended up with a standard roo who was also supposed to be a bantam hen. Meyer hatchery accident, what can ya do y’know? I think I finally have a home for him to go to that will be a bit more appropriate, but I’m nervous about not having a...
  5. booksandcranies

    How cold is to cold for bantam?

    Hello! This is my first winter with chickens- and it’s been pretty mild so far. But it’s going to be getting to -1 and it’ll feel colder with wind chill. They do have a coop and a walk in run (it’s a little small but better than the premade ones I’ve seen) - I haven’t gotten a heater for them...
  6. booksandcranies

    Silky bantam odd man out?

    So- my silky girls head got plucked pretty clean, it was read and irritated and poor girl has a puncture wound from all the pecking. She’s isolated, on the mend and now I’m just considering my options She’s the only silky in my bantam flock (it was,, an accident of sorts, they seemed so...
  7. booksandcranies

    Should I add bantams or standards to help my flock?

    So I was going to get 6 bantam chicks, one of the hatches did work out and and so Meyer hatchery gave me a standard EE female chick to sub the one who didn’t hatch (since they had no bantam breeds left) The sub ee as it turns out it looking very cockerel like, and he’s so far a very good...
  8. booksandcranies

    Can a standard rooster live with bantam hens (without injury?)

    Hello! This is my first time posting here, so sorry if I mess anything up! Anywho, I bought 6 chickens from Meyer hatchery, one of the hatches didn’t go well so instead of a refund they gave me a standard Easter egger chick that was supposed to be female so it would mesh well with everyone...
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