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  1. Tigertrea

    Egg whites not white/clear?

    Next time it happens I'll have him take a pic. I have yet to see any issues in the eggs I've used so, even describing it is difficult.
  2. Tigertrea

    Egg whites not white/clear?

    My husband has mentioned to me twice now that in the past couple of weeks he has found some eggs with cloudy, tan and even greenish whites. I haven't seen any other than some cloudy ones, I've assumed that is from them freezing in the coop before being collected. Their diet right now is...
  3. Tigertrea

    Getting them to go outside!

    Since it got fairly cold here a few days ago my chickens are avoiding the outside at all costs. I keep their water (on a heat base) outside, close to the pop door and feed inside. I see them go out to get a quick drink now and then but, other than that they don't venture out at all. They have a...
  4. Tigertrea

    Cold chickens.....when to use heat lamp?

    I just turned on my heat lamp 2 days ago. Both last night and the night, when I went outside around 10pm I noticed that most of my chickens were not sleeping. They were roosted but awake. Some were sleeping but, others had their heads up and looking around. Last winter was my first with...
  5. Tigertrea

    Problem: Yolks Break Easily or are Broken Inside Egg

    Posting mainly to bump. I was having a discussion with my neighbour, who buys my eggs, and we find some of our yolks break very easily while some are quite tough. I can't say it is a storage issue since I find it can happen within the same dozen, so, collected within 2 day period. I was...
  6. Tigertrea

    Thinking of "starting over".

    Thanks. You can't get cheap lumber around here for anything. Everybody wants to overcharge and nobody wants to pay lol. Even culled lumber is sold for more than I can spend right now lol. Our dump doesn't allow salvage either. I've told hubby to keep his eyes out for salvage wood at job sites...
  7. Tigertrea

    Thinking of "starting over".

    Last winter I had 10 birds, in my 8X4 coop. I they were a little tight. I am now down to 8 so, now they have their 4sq'/chicken. The run is only 8X10. It was also tight. My plan had been to free range them a lot more than I am able (due to unplanned lifestyle change) so I wasn't concerned about...
  8. Tigertrea

    Thinking of "starting over".

    So, I got some hatchery chickens last spring.They did really well until winter when they started having a feather picking problem. It has become a habit I just can't seem to break. Extra protein, as much free range time as possible, less "treats" so they eat their food, Stop pick every few days...
  9. Tigertrea

    Building a Perch in the Coop

    I used tree limbs for my roosts. The widest point on the branches is around 4.5" the narrowest around 3". No problems with toes freezing in the winter last year. We made "brackets" out of 2X4s. I wish I had a pic to show you. They are not pretty at all but, they work. It is really just a "U"...
  10. Tigertrea

    Watering in hot heat !!

    We only get a few weeks of "very hot" weather here. When we do I ad ice blocks to my waterer. I use plastic containers from sour cream, ice cream or yogurt and freeze them in my large freezer. When I had 2 waterers I would have one half filled in the freezer and the other in the run. I would...
  11. Tigertrea

    One hen being picked on. (sorry long post with background info)

    Thanks for the replies. I'll try to get them out of the run more since I have no way of increasing the size of it. Hopefully they will get over the feather picking. I was letting them out more but, my work schedule changed and I'm just not home and awake during daylight hours enough anymore...
  12. Tigertrea

    One hen being picked on. (sorry long post with background info)

    My chickens are just over 1yr old. I started with 11 but, culled one roo last summer then the other about a month ago after he started to get way too aggressive with people. I also had one hen die a couple of weeks ago. She had been "unwell" most of her life after battling sour crop at about 12...
  13. Tigertrea

    Nest box bedding

    Mine refused torn paper (figured it could be a good way to reuse paper) and straw. As soon as I started putting wood shavings in they started using the nest boxes.
  14. Tigertrea

    Encouraging going in the coop on their own at dusk?

    I don't have much experience but, I'd say first make sure they have no where to roost/hide at night in their run. I'd also think of luring them into the coop with treats at dusk. I only had to herd mine in for less than a week so, I really have no idea LOL.
  15. Tigertrea

    long time chicken owners. Is there any truth to this?....

    Thanks. do you have any idea how long this lasts in the spring though. since I'm not planning on hatching any eggs I'm not concerned about keeping roos at all and still will likely cull him. I'm interested for academic sake only lol. Also, I know in dogs we like to breed for better...
  16. Tigertrea

    long time chicken owners. Is there any truth to this?....

    Thanks for the input. I'll likely cull him anyway. My 9yr old son is afraid to go outside because of this roo. Not cool with me!
  17. Tigertrea

    Dog kennel run needs better roof design

    Currently I have the same thing as you and this summer will be changing it. What I did on a dog kennel I had on the past was build a peak using 2X4s. (a simple frame around the top of the kennel, 2 uprights and a ridge pole). I used tarps for many years to cover it but, then decided on Shrink...
  18. Tigertrea

    long time chicken owners. Is there any truth to this?....

    Roos get more aggressive in the spring "breeding" season? I have a neighbour who has had chickens for a long time. We were telling him that our roo started attacking us this spring and he said "Oh, he'll calm down in a few weeks when breeding season is over". I'm not sure I believe this.
  19. Tigertrea

    Rooster problems!

    Question...At auction do people really buy mean roos? And if people do....Who are these people?
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