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  1. Ketaped

    Chickens who won't go to the coop?

    I'll have to get them tomorrow. We don't have stairs, just a 2*10 board that's a ramp from the run to the coop. For roosts I've got two 1"*1/2" boards that cross the coop. It's possible they're still too big for the younger birds, but they could always cuddle up with the babies that go into...
  2. Ketaped

    Chickens who won't go to the coop?

    My coop is about 4*6, but there's a secondary space beneath it where I introduce the young birds to the older girls while still keeping them separated. Then there's the fully enclosed 120sq ft run. It's not huge, but the youngest two just put themselves to bed in the lower coop area and seem...
  3. Ketaped

    Chickens who won't go to the coop?

    I've currently got six chickens. Two are the remains of my old adult flock after a fox got in our yard, two are about 3 months old and two are two and a half months old. They're not very integrated as a flock yet, which may be part of the problem, but the 3 month old chicks will not go to the...
  4. Ketaped

    Non emergency: how to help molting chicken with extreme scissor beak

    I'm not certain if she dust bathes, but I believe she does. It may help a little, but not significantly. Unfortunately, she's not very comfortable with people, and trying to give her scratches just leaves her miserable and squawking like a banshee. That may be my only option though.
  5. Ketaped

    Non emergency: how to help molting chicken with extreme scissor beak

    Hi folks, this isn't an emergency but I was hoping that someone might have some advice. I have a pullet with extreme scissor beak, it's pretty much at a 90 degree angle. She eats and drinks ok, but can't preen at all. We're in our 1st molt with her and all her feathers are coming in, but she's...
  6. Ketaped

    Day old chicks and ongoing mite problem

    Hi all, I've had an ongoing mite problem for the past few months. I cleaned out the coop, dusted all my birds (and the coop) with DE and gave them all a dose of Eprinex, with a follow up dose a few weeks later. My mite problem seemed to be clearing up, with almost none, or no visible mites on...
  7. Ketaped

    Tandem mothering

    I had two broody hens sit on a batch of 12 eggs two years ago. They shared the eggs. shared the nest and shared the chicks. If they're happy, I'd leave them be.
  8. Ketaped

    Injured pullet limp and holding her head upside down

    She's alive this morning. She's holding her head up and appears to be sleeping. She's moved a bit in the night but still looks like she's been through the wars. I guess just more of the same today, fluids, offering food and a dark, quiet place to recover.
  9. Ketaped

    Injured pullet limp and holding her head upside down

    I've just been syringing the water into the end of her break and letting her swallow it, to hopefully minimize aspiration. I've only done icing on and off, based on advice from my father in law, who's a vet, but hasn't treated chickens in decades. I'll stop. I've given her probably about 4 or...
  10. Ketaped

    Injured pullet limp and holding her head upside down

    Please help? I've got a 15 week old leg horn (I think) that's been doing fine. When I locked everyone up for the night I found her under the deck, lying limp on her side. She's got a small injury / wound behind her ear and significant bruising and swelling on one side of her face. I have no...
  11. Ketaped

    Black Copper Marans - Time progression of sexing - UPDATED with WEEKs #1-3 PICTURES

    Unfortunately it was a Meyers hatchery purchase, so I'll be able to request my $12 back, but I'll still have a roo to deal with and no lovely dark eggs. I'm going to live in denial for another week or two, but given the 5 other chicks of various breeds and the same age still have thin yellow...
  12. Ketaped

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Here's my almost 8 week old black copper Maran. It's supposed to be a hen, but I'm pretty convinced that it's a roo. :( Do I have any hope of those beautiful brown eggs?
  13. Ketaped

    Black Copper Marans - Time progression of sexing - UPDATED with WEEKs #1-3 PICTURES

    This is my black copper Maran.... It's supposed to be a hen, but at just shy of 8 weeks, I've got a stinking suspicion I've got another roo on my hands. The comb and wattles are just too developed for me to be comfortable with. Any experts want to weigh in? Do I have any hope of a hen?
  14. Ketaped

    Lame hen with a warm foot (no swelling)

    Everything I've read about bumblefoot suggests massive swelling due to pus and infection. In this case she's been limping for a couple weeks without any sign of swelling at all. I'm certainly not an expert, but it seems like if it was bumblefoot, she'd have some sign of the infection by now...
  15. Ketaped

    Lame hen with a warm foot (no swelling)

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) 4.5 month old Speckled Sussex, average weight compared to the others 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She's limping and favoring one foot. She's been like this, to a greater or lesser...
  16. Ketaped

    When to buy chicken scratch?

    I discovered yesterday that along with going INSANE for hard boiled egg, they're crazy about tiny clover - not the kind with the big pink and white flowers, but the tiny little ones with yellow flowers. Strawberries are good, corn on the cob is better, cantaloupe is a fail, earthworms are...
  17. Ketaped

    Is this a chick? If so, advice appreciated!

    It looks a lot like that pheasant chick to me - and considering they roam wild, it seems that's more likely than a chicken chick. As others have said, keeping it warm is probably the most important thing. You probably don't need a heat lamp, a simple desk lamp with a 75w bulb or even a hot...
  18. Ketaped

    One eye closed, one pecker in time out, and rice hulls?

    I had one chick that walked around with one eye closed for an hour or two, but aside from that, I've got no experience with that issue. Can they open that eye at all, or is it pasted shut? If it's stuck, I'd ask on the injuries/diseases forum about it. As for the head pecking, chicks do it...
  19. Ketaped

    my babies are burnt!

    When my chicks were a week or two old, they spent 90% of their time around or under the heat lamp, leaving the area for short periods, but always going back. As they've grown up, they're spending more and more time away from the warm spot. This seems, from what I've heard, to be pretty normal...
  20. Ketaped

    my babies are burnt!

    Huh, interesting idea, but it seems like your chicks didn't read the manual! I did a little reading on the electric hens and they're clever, but don't seem to be as good at creating a heat gradient as a bulb does, so it's harder for the chicks to find the heating sweet spot. If there's no...
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