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  1. cherylwillard1

    Bantams won't go in shed

    Update all, I managed to get all the bantams in the shed. Imminent snow storms helped encourage the last hold out to go in. :D
  2. cherylwillard1

    Bantams won't go in shed

    Thanks for the help everyone. I have an 8x8 foot shed they stay in at night with plenty of roosting at different levels. I managed to scare two of them out of the trees, after dark, while having a couple lanterns in the shed and the doors open. They ran in after coming out of the trees. The...
  3. cherylwillard1

    Bantams won't go in shed

    Considering my other chickens are normal sized, it may be some of the problem. But they didn't bother them the first night. They're a motley bunch gathered from other flocks... I guess I'll go put a light out there for a few hours. But these bantams are 20+ feet up, it'll be hard for them to see...
  4. cherylwillard1

    Bantams won't go in shed

    I've made a mistake and wonder if what I read in one of the posts will help. I got three bantam hens on Sunday and put them in the shed that night. Not thinking, I let everyone out the next morning. They haven't gone back in since. It's my custom to leave new chickens in for a few days, but I...
  5. cherylwillard1

    Hatching Grocery store eggs attempt

    Um, quick question - do you really think it'll work? Were they in the refrigerator section? I'm assuming you know about the bloom, and the requirement that eggs sold in American stores are legally supposed to be washed and refrigerated. Once they're washed, the bloom is gone and they're...
  6. cherylwillard1


    I've heard of that, too. :D
  7. cherylwillard1


    Make sure he knows how to eat and drink. Some have to be shown, and if he isn't very smart, but is the only one, he doesn't have anyone to demonstrate it. Take your finger and gently poke at the food and water, making sharp clucking noises as you do. This is what I've done for hand reared chicks...
  8. cherylwillard1

    Fugly Farm

    I'm sorry you lost your whole flock, poor Fugly! Best of luck in the future!
  9. cherylwillard1

    Salmon Faverolle roo or hen?

    Where do you live, do you have a farm swap or place where you can exchange him?
  10. cherylwillard1

    Pot luck?

    I've traditionally ordered my chickens from a respectable hatchery, but we moved, and by the time we were settled, all the hatcheries were out of stock for the year. Hence, my considerably mixed and uncertain flock. Last time I ordered from Cackle Hatchery, 5 wyandotte hens, 5 barred rock hens...
  11. cherylwillard1

    Pot luck?

    Any idea what the all black one is? She's got black skin, I believe, and her crown looks dark. Maybe not as black as her feathers, but dark for sure.
  12. cherylwillard1

    Pot luck?

    Here are some. I got a couple others that weren't real clear. He moves a lot.
  13. cherylwillard1

    Pot luck?

    Awesome! Thank you! Do you think he's show worthy? He's quite the proud and handsome little guy. But I really would like to get him a female his own size.
  14. cherylwillard1

    Pot luck?

    I thought those brown ones were sex links, too, but they were sold as orpingtons... They ACT like sex link chickens - bossy, curious, and generally energetic feeders. :D I still don't know about the solid black one.
  15. cherylwillard1

    Pot luck?

    I got 6 chicks at Tractor Supply earlier this year. We lost one along the way. However, there were supposed to be 2 marans (black), two buffs (brownish red), and two americaunas (white and black, one of which is the one we lost). The speckled black chick LOOKS like a marans, but the other one is...
  16. cherylwillard1

    Angry chicken contest

    What a beautiful wyandotte! :D Mine always looked grumpy, too!
  17. cherylwillard1

    Angry chicken contest

    Gabriel Adult He's been locked in the coop for 5 days because he and his hens keep getting into my winter garden. He gave me this look today when I refused to let him out again.
  18. cherylwillard1

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I have a silver (lavender?) orpington that just started laying last week. Cute little pale brown eggs. For such a hefty hen, she lays some tiny eggs. Just last Wednesday I got 5 ISA browns, and MAN I forgot what great layers they are. While my orp sometimes misses a day, I always get one a day...
  19. cherylwillard1

    Boys or girls

    I think Wyandotte, too. He's beautiful. I had a Wyandotte roo once - best rooster ever. Polite, but not friendly, but he was a good "husband" to those hens. This rooster doesn't look like he's come into his full glory yet - watch for those tail feathers and saddle feathers to get long and luscious.
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