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  1. jknox1982

    Tetra Tint chicks at TSC

    Thank you so much for this thread. I received 3 as a gift from a customer where I work and I had no idea what they were. I am beyond excited to know what they are!!
  2. jknox1982


    Sorry I missed your message life went from zero to 60 and I haven't been on line allot. I still need an egg or two if you have any??
  3. jknox1982


    How far are you from Muscle Shoals!?!?!
  4. jknox1982


    how far are you from Muscle Shoals??
  5. jknox1982


    NOOOOOO!!!! Sunday is mothers day and of course I have plans. :-( LOL I don't think I will be able to meet that day because we have plans with my mother in law for most of the day :-( Any other ideas maybe pretty please Jenn
  6. jknox1982


    I would love that she is a game hen that I have had for a year and all a sudden boom broody we went. Any advice and when to meet or where and how much do I owe you????
  7. jknox1982


    Hi all, I haven't been on in a long time due to having surgery. I had a hen go broody and I need fertilized eggs for her, does anyone in the Muscle Shoals area have any???
  8. jknox1982

    Review by '' on item 'Barred Rock'

    My girls are great layers and are friendly. Cold hardy here in AL. I get at least 5 eggs a week each from them at least.
  9. jknox1982


    anyone in the Colbert County area selling hens?
  10. jknox1982


    How much are you asking? I looked up the breed and they are very pretty!! Yeap I called chickens pretty LOL
  11. jknox1982


    Hey everyone!! I live in Colbert County and was wondering if anyone knew anywhere local that I can buy or trade chickens. Right now I have 2 game hens I would like to trade. I would also like to buy a pair of barred rocks or another good egg producer. Thanks Jenn T
  12. jknox1982

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Wanted to stop in and see how everyones holiday went. I had my family down from CT so my little 3 bedroom farm house had 12 people. I couldn't of been happier. On Monday the 24th my long term boyfriend and I got married with our families at our local courthouse it was nice and simple like me...
  13. jknox1982

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    HERE IT IS!!! heat oven to 225 while you work so you can use it to proof the dough 1 cup water 1 cup milk 2 1/4 teaspoon yeast 2 tablespoons honey 2 cups wheat flour 2 1/2 cups AP flour 1 cup rolled oats 4 tablespoons melted butter 1 tablespoon salt combine water and milk heat 30-45 seconds...
  14. jknox1982

    Pecked in the eye by a chicken??

    wow that looks painful. my rooster got me right in the eye. he is lucky he is cute. lol
  15. jknox1982

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Hello everyone. I have been super busy but have been baking. I found an amazing recipe for honey oat wheat bread that i made with my Mom yesterday. It was super good and i was super proud. Now that it is super cold I had to research ways to get that perfect warm place to proof my breads. I found...
  16. jknox1982

    Any Home Bakers Here?

  17. jknox1982


    If you got your back round check from WalMart that is your issue they have had too many cases of people getting denied. They have to wait a certain amount of days to hear approved or denied and then they take it from there if some one wasn't doing there job they could of put denied instead of...
  18. jknox1982

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Hello eveyone!!! I finally got a new GE oven and am so glad because old man winter showed up in a hurry here in the south. My Mom is heading this way and will be here in a week. I am beyond excited to be able to have her here in my home as she has never been here and I live 2000 miles from her...
  19. jknox1982

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    NO :-( still no oven. We are going out tomorrow and getting a new one :-) Merry Christmas to me. I have not baked in 2 weeks and I am extremely ready for my oven back. Thank you for asking
  20. jknox1982

    Need advice with winter proofing the coop

    I live in north Alabama and am wanting to get ready for this coming winter. I am wondering how much tarp to use? Where to use it? and anything else I may need to do. I have to go pick up hay for the ground. But other then that I have no idea what to do. Here are some pictures. The sun rises...
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