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  1. old chickady

    Official BYC Poll: What Do You Use Your Rooster/s For?

    Would love to know how you keep roosters from becoming mean after they hit puberty. I have hand raised many chickens from day old chicks but usually I have to put the roosters down as they start attacking people shortly after they hit puberty. I have 2 gorgeous golden roosters (Buff Orpingtons)...
  2. old chickady

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    The roost has a typical 4 rung high roost made of wood closet pole, but found they prefer a shelf. So... I also have a 1X8 (Trex composite type material) shelf around each wall about 4 1/2 foot high. It is easy to scrap and clean.
  3. old chickady

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I pick out their dirty or wet shavings daily, scrap the roost boards daily and wipe any wet messy areas off the walls when they are wet. I try to deep clean once the weather turns 60 degrees in the spring and again in the late fall. I use artificial turf nest pads in the nests and I shake those...
  4. old chickady

    I REALLY can’t catch a break here! Or a breath 😭

    I am so sorry for your loss, You could put up a trail camera to find what kind of predators are picking on your flock. Minks, and owls take off heads and feet, hawks and dogs, coyotes, foxes tear off chunks of the body. We had a neighbors husky that jumped 5' fences easily and picked up and...
  5. old chickady

    Alfalfa poisonous for chickens

    I give my flock alfalfa cubes soaked in warm water for 30 min which rehydrates and softens the alfalfa. They also get layer crumbles, oyster shell, and for treats they get a mixture of layer crumbles, scratch feed, mealy worms and sunflower seeds. My hens are in excellent shape and very content...
  6. old chickady

    Warning graphic photo - RIP 2 keets

    When I had a black snake problem in my hen house ( lying in the chicken nest) and several other areas, I got some barn cats that are feral. They got rid of the mouse population and then the snakes left and have stayed away.
  7. old chickady

    Chicks water always dirty in brooder

    Raise the waterer up on a lid or a small box so they can still reach it but it is a few inches above the shavings.
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