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  1. Redhead Rae

    51 LF Cornish Eggs in the Incubator

    Just candled my Cornish eggs, 11 of 37 of my eggs came up either infertile or early demises. 4 of them the eggsall came from one hen. I know because she lays a bigger and lighter egg than the other Cornish. I’ll be shifting her over to another rooster for my next hatch. 4 of 14 of my shipped...
  2. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    The waters were raised. They just heeped the chips 6 inches high all around the waterers. Glad I doubled checked. ALL the chicks were piled up in the corner where one of the broodies would sit. Had to shove handfuls of chicks under the heater plate.
  3. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Sadly we had to remove the broodies from the coop with the chicks. One is a BC Maran and the other is a Wyandotte/Amerucana Olive egger. The broodies were making a horrible mess with the wood chips and they would cover the feed and water with chips within 30-60 min of us cleaning it up. So we...
  4. Redhead Rae

    51 LF Cornish Eggs in the Incubator

    I just set 51 LF Cornish eggs in my incubator! 37 eggs from my LF Dark and Jubilee (white/dark cross) Cornish, and 14 shipped LF White Cornish eggs I bought. So excited to get back into hatching my own meat birds. First time hatching chickens in 4 years I think. I’ve done 2-3 batches of guineas...
  5. Redhead Rae

    double batching

    I used to stagger hatch several years ago. I have a Brinsea Ovation 28 EX and a Brinsea Ovation 56 Eco. Once a week I would candle my eggs, toss any duds and add new eggs. On day 19 of each hatch, I would move the eggs that were going to hatch in a few days to the smaller incubator. So they...
  6. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    51 Cornish eggs in the incubator! I’ll probably only hatch two or three times this year rather than stagger hatching (setting eggs every week or so).
  7. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I’ll send you a Facebook message.
  8. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    My LF White Cornish eggs came today! @Molpet I’ll have to try sending you eggs with this setup if you’re still interested in the Cornish.
  9. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    There are different ways hens can be bad broodies. This one in particular just wanted to sit, and sit. She viciously pecked a baby that tried to come out from under her to eat and drink. I also had a Cornish hen that did that. They can also be bad by not attending to the babies or letting them...
  10. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Well, there are only 24 babies this morning. One of the broodies let the three of the 8 babies we gave her die. She was also being mean to any babies that came out from under her. We only found 2 bodies no idea what happened to the third missing baby. But the other 24 are doing well. We gave the...
  11. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I got 27 happy, energetic balls of fluff in the mail today. They sent them to the wrong post office so DH had to drive 1hr and 10min one way instead of 35 min to the one we usually pick up from. They offered to send them to the closer post office but that would risk the babies more so we opted...
  12. Redhead Rae

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Thing 3 is 3 already. Its getting hard to believe how fast they are all growing up.
  13. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    They do not have any rights to the kids. We might talk about re-establishing contact as they get older, but for now... it won't be good for the boys.
  14. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Hi Folks, Just checking in, Someone requested that I post an update in another thread, so I did there. Miss you guys! @Kiki
  15. Redhead Rae

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi folks! Long time no see! Life has been super busy and our chicken journey has been just feeding and caring for the ones we have. I ordered chicks for the first time in…. Three years I think. They just got shipped today. My mom (who lives down the lane) has some broodies that were going to...
  16. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Things are still crazy here but on the whole, improving. Saw this picture last night and thought you guys would think it’s funny. @Kiki
  17. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Hi folks! Things have been crazy here. It feels like everything is happening all at once. I’ve been diagnosed with an extremely overactive thyroid. Which is odd because I’m a good 50lbs overweight. I’m going through a bunch of tests now to figure out what is going on. We also finally got my...
  18. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

  19. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Charlie, our new boar, got here safely. He was talking up a storm to the piglets and Jericho, our sow, wanted to get to him so bad. She has to wait until mid Dec. I don’t want February babies again.
  20. Redhead Rae

    Official Squatch Watchers

    @Grammy60 praying for you and @rjohns39. How are you both doing?
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