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  1. Rainwing

    Soaked rice in vitamin

    try adding a little bit of honey to the feed :)
  2. Rainwing

    Soaked rice in vitamin

    if you wet their feed with plain warm water they will eat it
  3. Rainwing

    Injuries from a Rooster?

    my roosters are friendly towards humans but i never let them on my arms because they have the sharpest claws ever.
  4. Rainwing

    Help identifying gender. Silver Lace Wyandottes

    both look like roosters to me. maybe the rose comb one could be a pullet
  5. Rainwing


    they're not on pellets yet hopefully by that age they'll grow out of it.
  6. Rainwing


    About the size of a tin can. I use a tin can to scoop their food. Reusable and if it rusts i can get another tin can easy. Like a soup tin can.
  7. Rainwing


    i throw the crumbles into 3 piles so there isn't a lot of competition. afterwards there are chickens that like to eat the single crumbles that are in the dirt. this flock only likes their crumble wet though so i have to put it in a pan.
  8. Rainwing

    What breeds are best for quiet neighborhoods?

    i'd say it depends on the hen. some chickens are loudmouths. some are not. my leghorns were pretty quiet and they're an egglaying breed, may be good for warm weather. my rhode island red would always go RAAAAAWWWWKKK KRAWKK RAWK RAWWWWWKKKK at the top of her lungs.
  9. Rainwing

    Lonely and injured chick

    when my broiler hen got her tail pecked off i brought her inside with one chick who was at the lowest of the pecking order. look for smaller, less aggressive chicks. that quiets them and makes them happy. make sure it doesnt peck at her tail
  10. Rainwing

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    I feel like lifespan is definitely an issue with red sexlinks. So many of mine have died from random degeneration after 3 or 4 years, and my hen Honeycomb died due to tumors in her oviduct. They were the only hens in the flock to consistently lay big double yolkers on a daily basis. My black...
  11. Rainwing

    What size for nesting boxes ?

    My duck loved going broody whenever there was a cardboard box in the coop. When I'd walk by she'd hiss, and when I'd reach over she'd latch onto my arm with her bill like a dog and wouldn't let go, just hanging there mid-air. It hurt!!!
  12. Rainwing

    To insulate or not to insulate Nova Scotia coop?

    if you have leghorns or other lightweight egglayer breeds you'll have to check their combs in temperatures like that. they can also have their toes fall off from frostbite. i haven't had an issue with heavier breeds, such as my buff orpington hen who literally went missing in -23C weather...
  13. Rainwing

    Crazy chick disease? Day old chick

    probably wry neck or something neurological, judging from how it walks backwards and especially how it tucks its head between its legs. if you had heat fluctuations during incubation, this could be the cause. supplement it with vitamins and hand feed, make sure it has plenty of liquids. silkies...
  14. Rainwing

    Lavendar orpington hens and sapphire splash hens

    18 weeks is general rule of thumb for the earliest egg laying breeds. So sapphires I'd say 18-20 weeks. I think orpingtons lay at around 6 months which is closer to 26 weeks, this is because they are more dual purpose than made for laying eggs.
  15. Rainwing

    Roo/pullet ratio from tsc?

    I'd say its 50/50 chance. One year I got lucky with straight run buff orpingtons from TSC and got 5 hens, 1 rooster. Another year I got 2 silkies and both were roos. This time around I have 1 rooster of the 5 straight run chickens I bought from TSC and Runnings. Pretty good odds. I also have 2...
  16. Rainwing

    Monthly costs

    $20 for first month excluding the price of the chicks themselves. 13 chicks went through 50 lbs of crumble fast. Now that they're outside they're going through the second bag much slower since they have plants to pick at and table scraps.
  17. Rainwing

    Chicken has bleeding skin

    Looks painful. Do you think you could bring her inside with her eggs? If you have flies in the coop you could risk her getting flystrike on her open wounds, which can be fatal. I don't know how to ID what is biting her, but if it were me I'd say either another hen is picking on her, a rat is...
  18. Rainwing

    why not some wyandotte 'roo or pullet' fun?

    Both have grayish combs so I'd say both are pullets. Dot kind of looks like a cockerel but the coloration of her comb is too dull.
  19. Rainwing

    Cats and Permethrin question Permethrin is a very stable compound. Taken from the page, The average half-life of permethrin in aerobic soils is 39.5 days, with a range from 11.6 to 113 days. Permethrin binds tightly to soil and is broken down primarily by...
  20. Rainwing

    Black & white EE

    Wow, she looks beautiful! I miss having easter eggers. I hope she lays nice eggs!
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