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  1. Pekinlover90

    Moving new pullets with hens

    Okay. Yes I am thinking of moving just the new layers out there. I want to say that they are nice lol they dont really get after eachother. I had one that got "attacked" by a turkey we raised for butchering and I didn't have to separate her at all. She healed just fine and the other hens left...
  2. Pekinlover90

    Moving new pullets with hens

    Here is what the old coop kinda looks like. The brooder boxes are on the far right and go along that wall and the big girls can go underneath.
  3. Pekinlover90

    Moving new pullets with hens

    Thanks, so currently everyone is in a coop together with the babies in brooder boxes 3.5-4' off the ground and the 6 gals I have to roam under them. The big gals will be moving to a new coop that we built that is 8'x7' I believe. I feel like there should be enough room as during the day I...
  4. Pekinlover90

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Thanks for the advice, the hard pard is that I don't have anyway to pen them seperately where they would get indoor and outdoor access and our weather here this time of year is too iffy to pen them to where they are only outdoor, and I don't have indoor coop space to build the something. I am...
  5. Pekinlover90

    Moving new pullets with hens

    I have 6 laying girls that are now a year old, we received 9 new little ladies that we will be transitioning with them. I have never mixed young with old hens and would like to see what you all think of my plan. Along with my 9 youngsters we also have 75 broilers that they are mixed in with. We...
  6. Pekinlover90

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello! I'm still here! Let me tell ya when you live somewhere where summer is only 3 months a year a gal gets busy! We are a week into receiving this years babies and so far everyone has made it! I do have a question though for anyone on here, I have 6 laying girls that are now a year old, we...
  7. Pekinlover90

    What to Expect

    I live in Sublette County. It is South West Wyoming, it gets really cold here so thought curtains on the coop doorway would help with cold wind. I don't think I will put them on the boxes as they are just laying on the coop floor.... I don't think it's a privacy issue.
  8. Pekinlover90

    What to Expect

    Yes, two of the 6 sleep in them while the others roost on a bar. They were hatched on 5/2/2023, so I would guess that everyone will get going next spring? I will take photos, lol I seem to forget while trying to keep my toddler from breaking the two eggs we get because he wants to "help!"
  9. Pekinlover90

    What to Expect

    Okay I will take some this evening. The only thing I notice that is different than others is that I don't use curtains... I am nervous to do so as I put some on the coop door to help with elements and they wouldn't go in or out of the coop anymore. I was concerned that the same issue would...
  10. Pekinlover90

    What to Expect

    Hello! So on May 2nd I received 6 layers (2 Sexlink, 2 Buff Orpington, and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes). After coming back to town Labor Day weekend I noticed that someone had started laying. I was getting about 2 eggs a day for a couple weeks. Then for about 4/5 days no eggs. And now I am only...
  11. Pekinlover90

    My chickens will NOT nipple drink!!!

    I just want to throw an idea out there for teaching them. Birds are automatically interested in shiny objects. That said take the waterers with nipples and hang it outside in a sunny place. The silver nipples attracted the attention of all my birds and caused them to peck at them and now they...
  12. Pekinlover90

    Pecked hen with leg injury

    So since day 1 we have had our 5 turkeys in with the 6 layer chicks and they have all been great and gotten along. Now the turkeys have grown and are twice the size of my little layer gals and on Friday we had an incident and now seperated them. One of the turkeys (I assume pinned her down) and...
  13. Pekinlover90

    When can they go outside?!

    Okay, I think I am going to put them outside next Friday that will be two weeks old. I am going to try a tote with a lid and turn it upside down (lid down) and put wood chips on the lid and cut a hole in the side. my thoughts are that is will keep the heat in best and make for easy cleaning to...
  14. Pekinlover90

    When can they go outside?!

    Last Friday (May 25th) I received my 25 Cornish Cross chicks from the post office. They are all doing well still and looking happy! My question is at what age can the little farts go outside? I live in Southwest Wyoming and it is still between 65-70 during the day and usually 40s at night...
  15. Pekinlover90

    Pekin Ducks

    mine at 5-6 weeks are still making that same peeping sound
  16. Pekinlover90

    Pekin Ducks

    :hitwell nobody is quacking yet.
  17. Pekinlover90

    Pekin Ducks

    Thank you! I have been so worried since they aren't even fully feathered yet! (5-6 Weeks) our winters here are crazy cold and snowy so wanted to make sure I didn't need to worry! It snowed here two days ago and they were out in their yard napping in it lol.
  18. Pekinlover90

    Pekin Ducks

    Haha well I hope I didn't get two males, that would be the pits. Okay here is another question. I have them in a huge chicken-wire pen with a net over the top (nothing can get them). They have been outside for a couple weeks now and I just worry about them getting too cold. like they don't seem...
  19. Pekinlover90

    Pekin Ducks

    LOL What?
  20. Pekinlover90

    Pekin Ducks

    Ya, they are still raspy sounding, but can't it take up to 8-10 weeks to know that way as well?
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