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    Back of chickens head torn open

    My sweet little girl seems to be doing well on the scrambled egg diet. She's happy and energetic. She even purred on my lap the other day.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    She seemed to like the scrambled eggs, although she only ate about half an egg.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    I tried wet chicken food. I haven't given her any canned chicken or scrambled eggs yet. I've been keeping her inside with a buddy while she heals. I let her run around the house while I'm home.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    She still doesn't have much of an appetite, and she's starting to get really skinny. She ate a few bites when I put some food in a cup for her, but didn't seem to be interested otherwise. I'm worried about her getting too skinny if she keeps this up.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    It looks good so far. I could try bringing one of the chicks that she grew up with inside for a visit.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    I gave her crumbles. Should I try stuffing it in her beak yet, or wait to see if she'll peck at it with the added ingredients?
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    She pecked at her food a little bit, but she still doesn't seem to be very interested in eating. She's hardly touched it. She'll come out of the carrier to explore and get a drink, but it doesn't seem like she's touched her food. It's still pretty much at the same level as when I filled it up...
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    She seems to be feeling much better now. She's alert, eating, and even coming out of the carrier to walk around.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    I got some vetericyn, and I'm going to pick up some extra neosporin and Gatorade for her. I'm gonna put her in an animal carrier so she can get some rest in a nice quite place.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    No, her brain isn't exposed. Just tissue. I can't tell if the skull is exposed, but it mostly looks like the skin was just torn open.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    What can I use on it instead?
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    I'm on my way to get some blucote and a big tube of neosporin. I'm going to put her in a pet carrier for now so she can rest and get some Gatorade of her. Besides giving her some electrolytes, what else can I do to treat her shock?
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    I hope so. There's a big hole on the back if her head and neck, and I can see the muscles on the back of her neck.
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    Should I put guaze or some sort of bandage on her head?
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    I applied some neosporin. I'm going to run to the store so I can wrap her wound with guaze. Do you have any other suggestions for what I can do to help her?
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    Back of chickens head torn open

    I just discovered one of my young hens with a nasty gash on the back of her head. There's not enough skin to stich together. I washed it with water and applied some neosporin, but I'm not sure what else I can do for her. All of the vets are closed right now.
  17. T

    What sex are my guineas

    Neither of them make the usual pipsquack sound that the females usually make. I always figured that it was just bc there were two of them and they were nervous around me. That would explain why they chase each other around sometimes.
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    What sex are my guineas

    What's a bustle?
  19. T

    What sex are my guineas

    One of my two guinea fowl has been chasing the other around alot lately. I originally thought I had two girls, but now I'm not sure if I have two males, or if one if them is being chased bc she's the only guinea hen. The one on top has one curled and one straight wattle. The other has two curled...
  20. T

    Help! Escaped chicken!

    I couldn't figure out where she was sleeping, but I managed to catch her with the live animal trap. I had to put it up against the barn door and bait it with scratch grains.
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