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  1. F

    When do you Spring clean your Coop?

    Just curious when you all spring clean your chicken coops. I live in upstate New York and our springs are often a mix of warm and cold/wet stretches. I'm itching to get out there to clean but might wait until warmer stretches. Coop isn't too bad right now anyways.
  2. F

    feather loss on neck and belly

    I know this is a few years old but did you ever resolve this issue? I have a few birds with similar feather pattern loss. Thanks!
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    The Roost Shuffle

    Hi Everyone, So I have 12 hens that have more than enough roosting space for all of them to spread out (several feet of vacant space available - my roosts are all on the same level). However, I have hens that try to squeeze in next to other hens that are on top of the pecking order. These hens...
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    Feather Loss and Sore on Hen Breast area

    were you able to resolve this issue? Can you let me know what you did and if it resolved the issue? I'm dealing with similar feather loss patterns. Thanks!
  5. F

    Irritated Breast Bone Area with Missing feathers

    Thanks for your response - I have both 4 inch and 2 inch roosts in my coop. They are fairly smooth surfaces but i will look into that suggestion.
  6. F

    Irritated Breast Bone Area with Missing feathers

    Anyone else have any ideas? I noticed my one other hen has the same feather missing pattern. One thing all three of these chickens have in common is that I bought them all together as chicks in the fall of 2017. I checked for mites late last night when they were roosting and did not see...
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    Irritated Breast Bone Area with Missing feathers

    At first I was thinking the same but they are not broody at all.
  8. F

    Irritated Breast Bone Area with Missing feathers

    Yeah, I mean there is the occasional pecking but I never see them being picked on badly or anything.
  9. F

    Irritated Breast Bone Area with Missing feathers

    I have 12 chickens and my 2 Golden Buffs have been looking a bit rough this spring. I figured they were just going through a molting stage (they are about 18 months old). However, upon further investigation, I noticed their breast bone area is very bare and reddish. The reddish are could be just...
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