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  1. FathertoFeathers

    Coop redesign

    I was just thinking the same thing.
  2. FathertoFeathers

    Coop redesign

    This is gonna be on the left side of the coop. This is going to be the rest of the coop. If you have any questions about the plans please let me know. I know I’m no architect or blueprint artist lol
  3. FathertoFeathers

    Coop redesign

    I drew a rough idea of what I want last night. When I get home I’ll upload pictures
  4. FathertoFeathers

    Coop redesign

    The turkeys have been raised with the chickens since they were poults and I’ve never had any issues with them.
  5. FathertoFeathers

    Coop redesign

    I’m in the process of redesigning my coop. My family recently moved to a property with more land so we could homestead. During that time we built a temporary little coop for the birds but it is far from ideal. I’d like to build a new coop that has nice features and by that I mean little things...
  6. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    I am giving her tylosin. If denagard would be better I can switch to that. The tylosin I have is from the link your provided me earlier and I’m following the dosage on that.
  7. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    No I haven’t been giving it orally. Just mixing it in her water. She has been eating and drinking like normal. How do I give it to her orally if it’s in powder form?
  8. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    I’ve been giving the Tylosin but haven’t seen any improvement. If anything her face is getting more swollen. Should I switch to denagard? Does it need to drained? What else can I do?
  9. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    Would the 99% tylosin be too strong for chickens and pigeons? Or will they be fine with that concentration as well?
  10. FathertoFeathers

    Turkey with swollen face

    Yesterday when I was working in the yard I noticed one of my bronze turkey hens face was swollen. About a month or two ago all my birds caught some respiratory infection which I treated with some amoxicillin I had on hand. After about 10 days on it and some tlc everyone was feeling and looking...
  11. FathertoFeathers

    Pigeons with chickens

    Very nice! Beautiful birds as well! This is kind of what I’m attempting to do. As far as feed goes, how do you keep the chickens from eating all of their food?
  12. FathertoFeathers

    Pigeons with chickens

    I’m interested in how coops/lofts are set up for those who keep chickens and pigeons together. If you keep them together please show me your setups! I’m very curious and could use some inspiration!
  13. FathertoFeathers

    Pigeon flew away

    Yesterday I bought 2 pairs of Damascene pigeons from an auction. I got back home well after dark so I left them in the small container they were in for the night. This morning I went to move them to a larger cage because they couldn’t spend the quarantine period in the small cage they came in...
  14. FathertoFeathers

    Muscovy hen with pronounced limp

    Yesterday I came home from a 4 day trip and found my Muscovy hen under the shed with a clutch of eggs. She was too far underneath the shed for me to get her so I let her be. This morning when I went to go feed the birds I noticed she was limping quite badly. So I picked her up and immediately...
  15. FathertoFeathers

    Broody parakeet but no eggs?

    I’m definitely thinking about keeping them. I’d love to have some super tame babies
  16. FathertoFeathers

    Broody parakeet but no eggs?

    Update: All three eggs have hatched and momma is taking care of the babies
  17. FathertoFeathers

    Broody parakeet but no eggs?

    Sorry for the late reply I’ve been very sick but am now feeling better and have the strength to reply. Yesterday I saw her doing the tango with her now husband (I assume they had a quick wedding in Vegas while I was asleep) and now there is one egg I can see
  18. FathertoFeathers

    Broody parakeet but no eggs?

    I have not seen them mate but I’ve seen the male try. He’s done the head bobbing and whatnot trying to impress her but I’ve never seen them do the deed.
  19. FathertoFeathers

    Broody parakeet but no eggs?

    She’s about a year and a half and they’ve been together for 7 months
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