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  1. BuckeyeAmy69

    Tooshtoosh Has Brought His Chicks

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing! I love the way these birds look. Their eyes are so expressive.
  2. BuckeyeAmy69

    is this strange

    I REALLY like BRs. They are so full of personality! I don't have any this year because my space is dedicated to other breeds. They will always be one of my favorites. The best rooster I ever had was a BR and when he died I planted a tree for him and even buried him under the tree. The hen that...
  3. BuckeyeAmy69

    is this strange

    Sounds like she really likes you! I occasionally have a pullet that behaves this way. They are special and I never forget those unique relationships even after they're gone. I had a PBR that was extremely fond of me and if I didn't pick her up for a cuddle she would BITE my leg, hard enough to...
  4. BuckeyeAmy69

    All pullets?

    I'm also seeing all pullets. Troublemakers for sure!
  5. BuckeyeAmy69

    Weird worm-like squiggle on egg yolk

    That looks like the chalaza with a few tiny meat spots attached. The chalaza is what suspends the yolk in the center of the egg. Perfectly safe to eat. The meat spots are bits of tissue that come from the hen's reproductive tract. Usually you see that in older hens' eggs, but I've got a 5 month...
  6. BuckeyeAmy69

    Looking for another broody

    Australorps! They lay large eggs. Can't go wrong with them. I've read that Marans are also excellent broodies. I'll find out next year when mine come of age.
  7. BuckeyeAmy69

    Chickens are eroding my mulch hill, need advice

    Fencing is the way to go. Chickens LOVE mulch.
  8. BuckeyeAmy69

    Mystery pullet

    Looks like a modified pea comb. Liesl is beautiful and I love her name!
  9. BuckeyeAmy69

    Love my sassy little chickens

    Sassy chickens are right up my alley, which is why I love my Buckeyes!
  10. BuckeyeAmy69

    Calisum for hens

    It is widely recommended here that you keep your chickens on "all flock" or grower throughout their lives, offering oyster shell as a supplement in a separate container. The higher protein is good for them and the formula is the same except the layer feed has calcium added. Once I learned about...
  11. BuckeyeAmy69

    7 1/2 week Easter Egger sexing

    I can see that on #1 too but it's so young. I would just keep watching them! You know what to look for. :)
  12. BuckeyeAmy69

    Calisum for hens

    What are you feeding them? They tend to only eat oyster shell if they need it.
  13. BuckeyeAmy69

    7 1/2 week Easter Egger sexing

    I noticed that too! I'm not sure what they are. They could be mixes. :confused:
  14. BuckeyeAmy69

    Who needs a giant incubator?

    That is really cool! I've never seen anything like it!
  15. BuckeyeAmy69

    7 1/2 week Easter Egger sexing

    #5 is a cockerel. #7 possibly is a cockerel although it's really hard to tell. What male specific traits are you referring to? Please see:
  16. BuckeyeAmy69

    Feeding eggs back to chickens?

    When I'm raising chicks, I feed them one scrambled egg per day. It helps them learn to not be afraid of my hands and it's also good for them. When they are small it can take them 3 days to eat that one egg! (I hold a small container with the eggs inside and when they stop feeding I remove and...
  17. BuckeyeAmy69

    ☆☆☆Fresher Starts. Moving More☆☆☆

    Sounds like Cher! "Do you believe in life after love?" :lol:
  18. BuckeyeAmy69

    The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

    Buckeye cockerel: Next another male poultry, any kind.
  19. BuckeyeAmy69

    ☆☆☆Fresher Starts. Moving More☆☆☆

    Cute Marans chicks enjoying some fall leaves for the first time! Sorry I don’t have hip hop music for it.
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