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  1. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good afternoon Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. I'm finally back from two weeks in Hawaii (and then a quick trip within the province). Did not have time for much other thank teaching, but I think I need a rest now 😝 Here are some photos of the cetaceans I saw there - including a first for me...
  2. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. Another beautiful morning here and a busy day ahead.
  3. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. Last night we went down to Kona to watch the reef mantas - there’s a hotel there that has a few spotlights in the water and the rays have been going there for 60 years.
  4. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee! I write this morning from Hawaii - helping teach some field courses here and finishing up writing my thesis.
  5. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee - it is dearly needed today. We had Mother’s Day dinner last night and my sister is back from South Africa to pick up her pup (which we kept here while she was away on her honeymoon - her husband is from South Africa so they went back there for a...
  6. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Sorry to hear about the pain... It's going to hit 76 degrees here (over 24 Celsius), entering our first warmer period of the year. Summer has apparently arrived. Here's some ranunculus I picked for the house - they are too far open to sell, so we...
  7. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Scary to read about all the weather brewing (especially in places where it wasn't common in the past).
  8. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Ah, the beach is a good place to be!
  9. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Hi Cafe! Another busy week in the books - I was at a few meetings and then had semester grading deadlines. Was on the ferry to Vancouver Island this past Wednesday and stumbled upon a family of killer whales I know while we were navigating a pass!
  10. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. Busy morning with lots of marking today. Picked a bunch of flowers to send to the local flower farmer - supplementing her stock for these next few weeks as I don't have time to sell them personally.
  11. Offshoreorca

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Absolutely! They inspired my career trajectory - I’m now a whale/dolphin biologist 😉
  12. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. Another week begins, my last week at work for this school year. I officially start again August 1st, but have a bit of a break until then.
  13. Offshoreorca

    Wildlife Photography

    It could be many things - more likely from a parasite or small cookie cutter shark, but it is possible that it has a more nefarious origin. The dolphin is still doing well though, so it has healed up!
  14. Offshoreorca

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) breaching off San Cristóbal Island in the Galapagos - with two remora fish attached to it!
  15. Offshoreorca

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    T049A1 (Noah) a marine mammal killer whale (Orcinus orca) travelling with his brother along the coast of Spieden Island in the Salish Sea, Washington, USA. This photo was taken on April 26th, 2024.
  16. Offshoreorca

    Wildlife Photography

    Nope, I just rename my photos sometimes rather than the default numbers from the camera. The only other place they are is on Instagram (account name there is the same - offshoreorca). Photography is still very much a hobby for me, but I see such neat things during the research surveys and side...
  17. Offshoreorca

    Wildlife Photography

    This is my photo 😂 I’ll take that as a compliment though.
  18. Offshoreorca

    Wildlife Photography

    Hi! All orcas can be ID'd based on the notches on their dorsal fin and saddle patch shape/marks! I am marine mammal scientist, specializing in long-finned pilot whales and northern bottlenose whales, but do enjoy seeing all species - so this is old hat for me! This particular population of...
  19. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. I survived my sister's wedding and have almost made it through the end of term! Was so busy these past few weeks that everything else has been on hold, but thankfully much of that is behind me now. Here's a photo from Friday when I had the chance to go...
  20. Offshoreorca

    Wildlife Photography

    Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) breaching off San Cristóbal Island in the Galapagos - with two remora fish attached to it!
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