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  1. C

    Odds of an "Early Hatch"?

    The food and water should not be within her reach before the chicks hatch. Two feet away is fine but I’d go further if you can. It’s important for her to get up and stretch her legs and have a big poop far away from the nest. She also needs access to a dust bath while she has her exercise time...
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    Odds of an "Early Hatch"?

    I don’t think I’ve had any hatch before day 20. They sometimes pip on day 19, but not usually. A broody hen will usually sit with her brand new chicks for a day after they hatch so having food and water right there isn’t necessary right at the beginning. Once you are sure they have all hatched...
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    New Cockrell to flock of pullets

    I’m sorry to tell you but I think that cockerel will cause a lot of problems. Cockerels start getting their big-boy hormones long before pullets are ready for that and it can lead to a lot of stress in the flock. I always recommend waiting until the pullets are beginning to lay and then get a...
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    Beaten Baby Chick by Momma Hen

    If she looks the same as your other chickens you can put some food coloring (or Blu Kote) on her feathers so you can tell her apart. That will work temporarily until you can get a leg band. If you want to keep hatching, you could always sell or cull this hen because she won’t help with that goal.
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    Help with big mama

    Now would be a good time to evaluate your flock based on your goals and decide if you need that particular rooster right now. I recently got rid of one rooster, Red, who was extra clumsy on the hens and had scratched up a few of them. It’s way too hot here in SE Georgia to make the hens wear...
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    Broody Hen that killed chicks, do we try again?

    Is there a chance that she killed the chick accidentally? If so I’d give her another chance. If you want to give her another chance this broody cycle, I’d give her feed store chicks, as young as you can get them. Like @nuthatched said, having her sit another whole incubation cycle would be very...
  7. C

    Is my guinea hen preparing for a hatch?

    She may be going broody. I have had broody guineas before and the main advice I have is to pen them up when the chicks are hatched. The parents don’t realize the keets cannot keep up and take them all over the place and eventually lose them. I am sure that would be even more important if they...
  8. C

    Chick starter food out of stock, need advice

    I would feed the broiler feed until the chick starter is available. Making your own feed could lead to accidental deficiencies that wouldn’t happen on the broiler food. I have fed broiler feed to dual purpose chicks with no bad effects when my regular chick feed or All Flock wasn’t available.
  9. C

    3 1/2 week old chicks outside?

    As long as they have heat they will be fine.
  10. C

    Help!! Sudden respiratory distress!

    That chick is probably dying. In my experience they gasp near the end. With chicks that young it’s hard to guess what might be the problem. It could be a respiratory disease or just something wrong internally. If you have more than one pass away you could try to get one necropsied by the state...
  11. C

    Mycoplasma what to do

    If you are in the US, your state probably has a vet lab that can give a diagnosis. Call them and see what they require and how much it will cost. Every state is different. Here in Georgia the NPIP testers will come out and test for Mycoplasma and other illnesses along with the NPIP tests for...
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    I’m glad you were able to end any pain or suffering she was experiencing. Sorry for your loss.
  13. C

    So...I have an idea I need advisement on.

    I’ve never hatched them myself but I’ve read that call ducks can be hard to hatch and may need assistance. You may have more losses haching with a broody if that’s true.
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    I’m sorry about your chicken. If you decide to put her down, the broomstick method is very fast and painless. This video is how I learned how to do it. Broomstick Method
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    Self-Appointed Coop Manager making trouble...

    You could add some curtains on your big open nest to inhibit her view of the eggs.
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    Do I help the egg hatch?

    Yes, that would make it easier for someone to help you.
  17. C

    What do you do with extra eggs?

    Eggs freeze really well and are useful for baking or scrambling. I usually separate them and have jars of just whites for scrambling (my husband prefers them). The yolks I use to make egg noodles which I freeze and use in all my pasta dishes. This is especially nice because my husband has to...
  18. C

    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    Yes, that’s the stuff. It seems thinner than you’d expect but a few coats have worked pretty well. We get a lot of rain and so far the panels I painted in the fall are still waterproof.
  19. C

    Recreate the Producer's Price coop roof?

    If you don’t mind having to do some maintenance periodically you can paint plywood with roofing paint. You’ll need to repaint and/or replace the plywood once in a while depending on your weather. It was a nice solution for my broody hen coops, the paint I chose is white so it helps the little...
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