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  1. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    This thread has become so much more than I imagined. I appreciate the stories being shared and the advice/support going around. I read it all and it makes raising/caring for chickens a little easier. I, like alot of people have found homes for roosters that we couldn't keep and even then, it...
  2. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    You're correct in saying it's just their nature. And nature is a cruel beast. The world of chickens seems to be the cruelest! You are horribly wrong when you say that I culled him today because he was "unwanted". He was wanted. He was loved. He was snuggled. He was my daughter's pride and joy...
  3. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    I think you're right. I'm pretty new to all of this (4 years). I was just very caught off guard when we went from coop bliss to total chaos within a matter of 24 hours. This forum has provided me with so much knowledge. I hope that if anyone has a similar situation, they read this and proceed...
  4. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    Update I want to start this by saying thank you to sourland for their advice. If there would have been a chance of creating a balanced coop again, the advice that I was given was the best way to approach this difficult situation when you want are motivated to keep multiple roosters...
  5. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    I think you're right. I'm going to give that a try. I really would like to be able to keep both roosters. Fingers crossed! I'll be sure to update in a few weeks.
  6. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    I thought about doing that but on a much smaller level... I was going to put the Cochin (younger fellow) in the crate inside of the run and let the head boy hang out with his ladies until nightfall. Once it was dark, I was going to put the Cochin back into the coop to sleep and hope that...
  7. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    Thank you for your reply! It's so upsetting that I've had a happy and balanced coop for so many years.
  8. Lauren4868

    3 roosters - 1 rooster = happy coop?

    Hello and thank you to anyone that reads this. I will try to make it short and sweet... Up until this week I had a flock of 18 chickens, 3 were roosters. My head rooster is an Easter Egger (4 yrs old) and the other 2 were Cochin brothers (3 yrs old). Everyone has gotten along very well over the...
  9. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    I'm not seeing the gray in her eye but there is a peculiar ring inside of the pupil of the bad eye. I've been researching the hell out of it (Eggcessive you've been a great help to others on here!) LOL
  10. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    If zooming in on the 'good eye' do you see a little distortion as well?
  11. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    From afar the right pupil looks unaffected but zooming in on the picture looks as though there could be something going on as well. The edges aren't sharp and the colouration around the pupil looks like it may becoming distorted too. I've read a great deal on Marek's. One thing that I am...
  12. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    These pictures are taken simultaneously today.
  13. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    Cola came down with a respiratory illness a few months back. I brought her into the house and gave her VetRX. It was when she was in the house that I noticed the ocular issue. I thought she had been pecked in the eye and this was the result. She bounced back in a month and returned to the coop.
  14. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    This is Cola. She is a 18 month old Crele Orpington. I bought her as a day old, along with a Cochin chick. The Cochin passed away at 8 months old. The vet came to my house, and took fecal sample. Everything came back negative. She was put on antibiotics but the vet couldn't figure out what was...
  15. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    I love all of my chickens, they are family to us but Tortilla was very special to me. It's that one special love and nothing will replace it. Even though he is now gone, I would still greatly appreciate advice on what's going on within my flock. As I said, I will take pictures and share of...
  16. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    I wanted to update and with a heavy heart, I decided to humanely euthanize my rooster Tortilla this evening. His paralysis had taken over his back end and it was best to let him go. He was my friend and I will miss him dearly. I will post pictures of my hen with the ocular issue and as always...
  17. Lauren4868

    2 year old rooster unable to use one leg, discovered bumblefoot

    Do you have a rough idea of what the cost would be? I ask because I know anytime we say Guelph the cost is huge
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