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  1. VeryHappyHens

    JTS' Meat Rabbit Adventures

    All though my rabbit stays indoors and sleep in my bed at night she loves to make a mess with her letter box.
  2. VeryHappyHens

    My flock plans !

    She is a gorgeous frizzled just like my girl kiwi and my boy twix :love :love
  3. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    Their not ugly :mad:
  4. VeryHappyHens

    JTS' Meat Rabbit Adventures

    Make sure your rabbit has letter box to poop and pea in.
  5. VeryHappyHens

    4 legged chick Clover

    Can you post an udapted picture of clover.
  6. VeryHappyHens

    Easter Egger??

    You should be lucky you got a rare breed!!
  7. VeryHappyHens

    Easter Egger??

    Its a crested cream legbar pullet they also lay blue eggs and they are rally pretty here is a link about them. They are also kinda more rare than EE
  8. VeryHappyHens

    JTS' Meat Rabbit Adventures

    Most protect my rabbit Bubbles at full cost keep away from @JoyThatSticks :oops:
  9. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    Their just pretty :confused:
  10. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    Now I disagree kindly with that I love buff:oops:
  11. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    They arent but they are very ugly 🤮
  12. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    Espically because RIR are ugly in my opinon I hate the their basic ugly red feather coloring its also very ugly🤢🤮
  13. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    But I hate Rhode island red now those are ugly and basic and overrated and im tired tho those 😒
  14. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    Couchins are pretty tho I love fluff chickens like orps and couchins.
  15. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    WHATTT I LOVEEE BUFFF evn tho I love lavender , choclate, mauve I STILL LOVE BUFFFF :rant
  16. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    How about 5 show buff orpingtons. Or do you also hate those 😒
  17. VeryHappyHens

    Buff Orpington Rant thread!

    Like purebreed expesnive buff orpington like Cosette my show buff who won her first show. Those are nice. She can pull off.
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