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  1. Bryce Thomas

    Very aggressive silkie hen/What to do?

    While this did happen long ago, its strange that it happened at all to me. Her mother is a purebred silkie, and her father is a mix between a silkie and something I dont know. Silkies are known for their calmness, ive had aggressive birds before, but they were all roos. Ive never had a rude...
  2. Bryce Thomas

    How to till clay soil?

    UPDATE: I should have mention that this garden is a raised bed, but 1.5 feet raised. Its just full of clay soil since that's the cheapest soil that companies sell out here. I used a shovel to till and while it will be a long process, i'm definitely getting much more progress with the shovel than...
  3. Bryce Thomas

    Help! I'm looking for a dog breed that....

    Preach. I knew a friend who got a BC thinking it was a lap dog. She had to give away the dog within 2 weeks of getting it because she could not keep up with the high energy demands. I still don't know what she was thinking.
  4. Bryce Thomas

    How to till clay soil?

    I am starting a garden that is pure clay soil, as is all soil here in AZ. I am tilling horse poop into it so it has organic matter, then I wont till again because I believe in no-till gardens. The only issue is that the clay soil is rock hard after half an inch and the garden is 1 and a half...
  5. Bryce Thomas

    Switching feed

    thanks for the help, lol
  6. Bryce Thomas

    Switching feed

    Hello everybody. I am considering changing my chicken feed to goat pellets. The reason I am doing this is many of my friends have said that their chickens have stopped laying eggs and they tried changing the food but nothing worked. They said goat pellets made their girls happy and they started...
  7. Bryce Thomas

    Random idea~your opinions?

    It was 8PM last night when the thought struck me. I was thinking of all the frostbite that can affect chickens, then I thought of it. I call it the thermal roost. Take a roosting stick, like a 1x1 inch plywood rod, but cover it in thermal heating then in cover/lining to prevent overheating...
  8. Bryce Thomas

    injured and emaciated

    Sorry for being late. Try feeding her lots of proteins. This will help the muscles of her digestive tract and help her get stronger. Is she getting better??
  9. Bryce Thomas

    A question about worms

    I was watching a youtube video recently about a farmer losing a peacock to worms. The vet said the fecal sample/report came back and they found 2 species of worms, both are fatal to poultry. Are worms fatal? I thought they could be treated at home with DE or something of the sort. I mean fatal...
  10. Bryce Thomas

    Cardboard and compost

    Do you think I can use chicken straw? that's unused as in still in the packaging? I have a ton of that stuff but I don't know if its good to only use one type of brown
  11. Bryce Thomas

    Cardboard and compost

    I might just burn it then. is the ash leftover safe for the garden?
  12. Bryce Thomas

    Cardboard and compost

    Hello, I am starting a new batch of compost, my last one was beautiful and am growing bee feed (flower mixes good for wild bees) in it. Can I use cardboard as browns? I will try and use some sticks, but I am weirded out how the first time I ever did composting the cardboard didn't really break...
  13. Bryce Thomas

    do chickens talk back ?

    I have some that do. I can make this kind of chewbacca sound with my throat and I can fine tune it to make chicken sounds and rooster sounds, every time I make a rooster sound the chickens react in the same way but towards me like that. I used to have this sassy hen that was a bantam silky and...
  14. Bryce Thomas

    Grass for covering run

    True but I'm not too sure if they will ever go that far, I now only own 2 small silkie hens and they eat mostly insects and feed from the feed store, when I put them in a grass pasture that has multiple grass variety's they peck a little and then go wander off I dont want the entire run...
  15. Bryce Thomas

    Shrub fertilisers that are chicken-safe?

    Chickens generally will not eat their poo if they are fed enough, mine never have eaten their own poo If you are going to use a fertilizer, use one that is organic (means natural, like chicken/horse/cow poo), chemical fertilizers damage the plant, soil microbiome and the animals around it...
  16. Bryce Thomas

    Grass for covering run

    Hello everyone, I am wanting to plant a grass type in my chicken run. They are happy with what they have, but the bare ground seems kind of depressing. I have centipede grass seeds but the girls never seem to do anything with the centipede grass. I have thought about a plant called clover and...
  17. Bryce Thomas

    treadle/(Grandpas) feeder help— not progressing

    You could try to put some treats on the feeder, getting them used to it is all about desensitizing. I would go inside and open and close the feeder by pressing the lid until you get bored and want to leave. That's what I did, now I can drop sheet metal onto sheet metal next to my chickens when...
  18. Bryce Thomas

    bee stings?

    The girls have been very quiet this week and for some reason one started screaming for no reason. I go out to check and everything is fine other than 3 or 4 bees flying around. They soon leave and the girls are fine. Was sone of them stung? If so Ill need to check and remove the bees stinger
  19. Bryce Thomas

    Do I have to let go of my Shamo? :’(

    I think your shamo is just working out the pecking order, but considering that shamo were built to be fighting birds I don't think you should expect your shamo to be very friendly with them at all, he might always be a bit mean to them until the pecking order works out
  20. Bryce Thomas

    Does this roosters legs look funny?

    unless you feel clear definitive proof of scaly leg mites or leg problems i wouldn't worry about it
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