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  1. wrathsfarm

    1st crow from my 8 week old Cockerel. He sounds like a squeaky toy

    🤣 that's awesome. First crows are one of my favorite sounds next to the 'dinner bell'.
  2. wrathsfarm

    What do with aggressive rooster?

    I would cull him (not re-home), he's gonna hurt you or a family member. I would suggest to just keep looking for a good roo and add more hens, or get day olds with a male and raise him up letting the older girls train him how to act accordingly. Edit....are you looking for a specific breed of...
  3. wrathsfarm

    Rooster questions

    Perfectly normal.. he hasn't matured yet to take over the flock. Let them older girls teach him manners and how to treat them right.
  4. wrathsfarm

    Coop Reinforcement Project

    I'm surrounded by crop fields on 3 sides and this year is corn. Here soon I'll have to keep the traps set everyday when the corn gets tall enough they can move during the day. Need more fencing...🥴
  5. wrathsfarm

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Cuteness overload ♥️...congrats and hopefully the shipped eggs and all the rest hatch for you. How many eggs left to hatch?
  6. wrathsfarm

    Coop Reinforcement Project

    Same here in Michigan.. but I can talk about it because it's legal to dispatch. 🙂👍
  7. wrathsfarm

    Fussy (not broody) hen

    HA !! I nailed the breed just by a description of the sound. I'm like a new rare chicken whisperer type...🤣 Ummm no...just lucky. Every once in a while a squirrel finds a nut. 👍
  8. wrathsfarm

    Coop Reinforcement Project

    Good job on reinforcing the pop door. 👍 Have you considered setting live traps for the unwanted visitors? Checking your local laws for dispatch/re-home rules of course.
  9. wrathsfarm

    Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

    7' vertical is quite the feat for such a little one. Future escape artist...🤣
  10. wrathsfarm

    Coops Coop

    Chicken TV...when you can't be there to watch it LIVE. 🤣
  11. wrathsfarm

    Fussy (not broody) hen

    What breed is she? I ask because my Black Australorps make unusual noises, like a raspy, or throaty "merrr". And I've read it's a trait of the breed. Hard to describe the sound but funny everytime I hear it...🙂
  12. wrathsfarm

    Bullied chicken is aggressive with me.

    Adding 2-3 hens to your flock would definitely help as @WoDia suggested. She won't be lowest in pecking order, and redirects their attention to the new arrivals. If you have the space of course for additions.
  13. wrathsfarm

    Headbangers Anonymous

    What a show this would be...
  14. wrathsfarm

    Managing coop heat/cold

    I would add more shade for them in the run. You mentioned shade in the am and pm, but mid day is when it's normally hottest out there in the sun.
  15. wrathsfarm

    Coop is a metal shed

    I would 1/2" HC behind both of those window plastic panels first.. then add more venting as high up as possible on both sides.
  16. wrathsfarm

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    And a pic of that incubator... Don't pitch that just yet, @z3lda3 . You may need it for Marans eggs. 🙂
  17. wrathsfarm

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    Makes dubbing seem more logical, besides not getting big comb breeds.
  18. wrathsfarm


  19. wrathsfarm

    New girls in the house

    Yeah, that makes it more difficult. Does the new coop have a run you could coax them into? At this point, if you could get them into the new run or coop all at once no matter what time it is. Lock them in, and keep them locked in for a couple few days to 'home' them to new coop.
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