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  1. Megber13

    Weird eggs to no eggs

    They eat Nutrena soy free pellets. They also have crushed oyster available in a separate feeder. Plus dried mealworms in the winter as a treat, since there isnt much bug supply that time of year. Marge is the only one out of the four with this issue, but she is also about twice the size.
  2. Megber13

    Weird eggs to no eggs

    My hens just turned 2 in April. My biggest is a buff orpington (pictured). The other three are easter eggers, about quail sized. Large Marge is the buff orp, she has always been the bossy one with the most attitude. They all started to lay around fall following their first birthday. The three...
  3. Megber13

    wrap it or pull it?

    That blood glob makes me nervous, that's why I wrapped it. As soon as the other girls see it, they will start pecking at it and the whole bleeding process will start over. I used gauze and then a self sticking wrap so it stays on (I have used this before for other broken feathers and it has...
  4. Megber13

    wrap it or pull it?

    Pics...this girl has had more broken foot feathers than the other three, I dont know why but Ive always been able to use cornstarch, wrap it, and everythings fine in a couple days. Today I was gone most of the afternoon and when I got back with them, I found she had more of a hematoma than Id...
  5. Megber13

    Weird shaped egg

    Is this a problem? She loves the grit a lot*, I thought they knew the difference between oyster shell and food but it seemed to help my smaller hens when one of them had some issues with a couple softer eggs.
  6. Megber13

    Blood feather gone wrong? Please help!

    I have a feather footed hen that broke another foot feather but it is bigger this time. It appears to have clotted, but its just kind of hanging there now. I wrapped it hoping it would heal but is that even possible or should I pull it?
  7. Megber13

    Prolapsed Vent in Quail

    Did your quail continue to have this issue after this post? I have a quail sized hen that has been having loose stool, laid a good egg yesterday but had some prolapse issue afterwards, not sure if this was a fluke or ongoing problem.
  8. Megber13

    Tiny egg/diarrhea

    Update...Blanche appears to have at least too much slack in the vent area, I had a feeling it was something like prolapse. She did lay an egg today but when my daughter was holding her, I noticed the *inside out* going on. It did not appear to be out for long (was not dried out or dirty). And...
  9. Megber13

    Tiny egg/diarrhea

    First pic is Blanche's first poo of the day coming out of her coop. She had a cecal poo that looked totally normal about a minute later, and laid a perfectly good egg in the next few hours, but lots of those wet poops still. The next is Marge's missing neck feathers (she is camera shy), then...
  10. Megber13

    Tiny egg/diarrhea

    I will try to get a pic of the necks. I havent found many loose feathers around (as if the fell out) but I know they do eat them. I have found more broken eggs lately, so maybe it is just Blanche with some side effects of molting. Someone is breaking them when they sit on them, which doesnt...
  11. Megber13

    Tiny egg/diarrhea

    Also, all four have missing necks feathers for several weeks. Could they be moulting and need extra protein?
  12. Megber13

    Tiny egg/diarrhea

    They have had the routine change as far as when and where they can lay eggs. I have coop in the garage and outside, I kept them inside overnight, or if the weather was bad, and over the winter. So now that it is nice again, they go outside in their yard but it seems to coincide with Blanche's...
  13. Megber13

    Tiny egg/diarrhea

    The flooring is weathered cement, hope the poo is discernible. It is grainy sometimes, always brown and white but lots of extra liquid. My buff orp has similar issues when she eats certain grains so I do minimize those offerings. Last summer they had almost daily access to fruit and veg scraps...
  14. Megber13

    Tiny egg/diarrhea

    Today, my hens turn 1. They have been laying consistently since Sept. In the past week, one of the easter eggers, Blanche, has had watery stool off and on, and I discovered this morning that someone laid a very small egg. Their normal size is that of a quail (theyve always been roughly a third...
  15. Megber13

    Just not getting it...

    They do* go outside...but only when it is above 45 and not super wet, which is rare for the winter months here (western Pa). They have a temporary outdoor run that I take them out to for as long as they can be, weather permitting. The garage has a rubber gym mat flooring in tiles I can clean...
  16. Megber13

    Broody or ill?

    I just want to report that there has been no watery stool after cutting the snacks so it had to be that. I know to be more restrictive. Thank you!
  17. Megber13

    Broody or ill?

    The night I believe I broke her broodiness, her underbelly was so hot* I could honestly not believe it could get that hot. I set her in a luke warm bath to cool down and locked her out of the coop for a couple hours. She was back to normal after that, but I think she stopped laying? Is that normal?
  18. Megber13

    Just not getting it...

    I have 4 hens, currently living in the garage due to delayed construction in the fall. They are all about 10m old, all started laying in Sept. All have been regular, daily layers, with the buff orp averaging every other day. The 3 minis are quail sized, 2 are cinnamon queens. The third is a...
  19. Megber13

    Broody or ill?

    I worry theyll eat the straw and end up with crop issues...three of the four are quail sized, very little ladies. But I will try that... I have them on Nutrena NatureWise Hearty Hen pellets as of Aug-Sept when they started laying. They are all laying daily still and it is winter here. They are...
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