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  1. LuciferRoo

    How do you decide what rooster to keep?

    I now have 3 roosters in my back yard. They all get along fine. They also have separate coops. My dominant rooster is a sweetheart. Is is not aggressive but will knock one of the others off a hen if he is close enough and sees mating. He does it even when another rooster mates with his own...
  2. LuciferRoo

    Cochin! Hen or roo?

    Face of a girl to my eyes
  3. LuciferRoo

    Boy or girl

    I think I have managed to get some better shots today. Whitey is about 4 months old. I do not have the exact age as I bought this one almost exactly 2 months along with 4 Olive Egger pullets who were supposed to be 2 months old. Whitey was a bit bigger than the others, but different "breed" and...
  4. LuciferRoo

    Roosters suddenly fighting

    I would try using a pellet grill or a green egg and smoke him nice and slow. BBQ is about turning the lowest quality cuts of meat into something delicious and tender. I would also marinade him for a day first. Then onto the pellet grill, low and slow (225F max).
  5. LuciferRoo

    Which rooster to keep??

    Human, the other white meat.
  6. LuciferRoo

    Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

    I give some away and sell some. Of course we eat eggs too, but that seems to ebb and flow. I have also cracked a few and gave them to the pullets. Lots of nutritional value in eggs and the young ones can benefits from it.
  7. LuciferRoo

    Broken foot

    Did you separate her and give her her own place? I had gone through a couple of chickens with leg injuries. As a matter of fact I just discovered that one of my girls limping very badly today. She is now inside a big dog crate for the night. You basically want to limit her movement and let the...
  8. LuciferRoo

    Olive Egger starting eggs question

    I also have few Barred Rocks that just started laying and may lay in the same box.
  9. LuciferRoo

    Olive Egger starting eggs question

    I got mine from a local place here in Texas. It's not a commercial enterprise. From what I gather it's the wife's passion. They do however get chicks from commercial hatcheries so chances are that is where the parents came from.
  10. LuciferRoo

    Olive Egger starting eggs question

    I have 4 Olive Eggers (Mars Bars) and they are at the age when they should be starting to lay. Today, I found a small egg with blue splotches on it. Did this come from one of my Olive Eggers? Obviously the egg is not olive. It is not even green (nor blue). If it came from one of my young girls...
  11. LuciferRoo

    My chickens are eating dog poo! Is this normal????

    Chickens will eat poo, including human.
  12. LuciferRoo

    Boy or girl

    Thanks. I will try to get new photos. It's amazing how good the quality of the photos are as long as I am not trying to take them of the chickens. Aim the phone at a chicken and suddenly the quality drops by 20 years.
  13. LuciferRoo

    Boy or girl

    About a month ago I bought five 8 week old pullets. Four are black and one is white. Today my stepdaughter said that the white one is a roo. It is some version of Easter Egger. Any thoughts from the experts whether this is a pullet or a cockrell?
  14. LuciferRoo

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    I had a pack of 3 dogs kill my chickens. A day or two later the dogs returned. I knew they were likely to return so I was carrying a rifle with me in case they do. The dogs were a pitbull mix and 2 chihuahuas. As soon as I got close enough to them I shot the pitbull. I will kill any dog that...
  15. LuciferRoo

    Chick injured from dog

    She may have an injury without anything being broken. I had a pullet who I suspect was hit by a falling 2×4. I did not see it happen, but I was working and the chickens were near me and a 2x4 fell from about 3 feet up. A bit later I saw a pulled that was just laying on the ground and not coming...
  16. LuciferRoo

    Chick injured from dog

    When I had my chickens attacked by dogs, I use couple of veterinary sprays on their wounds. I cannot remember the name of the first one but the second was Wound-Note, which I assume is very similar to BlueKote. One rooster took half a day to snap out of being in shock, but originally I was...
  17. LuciferRoo

    Barred rock questions (multiple pictures)

    I cannot find a better photo right now, but this one does show the difference in how much lighter cockerels are compared to pullets.
  18. LuciferRoo

    Barred rock questions (multiple pictures)

    Boy Rocks are really easy to distinguish from the girls. Their barring is "reverse" of the girls. Once you see it, you will know it. Girls are dark background with light markings. Boys are light background with dark markings. That is the easiest way for me to describe the difference. Boys are...
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