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    Pullet or cockerel?

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    Pullet or cockerel?

    Here is another set of pics from today
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    Pullet or cockerel?

    Still waiting for some concrete evidence…
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    Pullet or cockerel?

    Looks like I just have to be patient and I should know in the next two weeks :)
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    Pullet or cockerel?

    I’m leaning towards cockerel but I really want cuckoo marans eggs. He’s so very gentle though ❤️❤️
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    Pullet or cockerel?

    Here’s a few but they aren’t very good… I was gardening before and I was tired … I didn’t put a lot of effort in to get good pictures
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    Pullet or cockerel?

    Yep I’ll try tomorrow
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    Pullet or cockerel?

    Hey there @JedJackson how can you tell? Is it the colours or the pattern or just the comb?
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    Pullet or cockerel?

    I have this cuckoo marans - I’m not sure if it’s a he or a she and not sure how to tell. Definitely doesn’t behave like the other roosters I have - but has a very red comb. At 11 weeks old coming up to 12 soon. Any hints anyone can see?
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    What gender ? Easter egger

    Yes definitely thick legs - thank you I have learnt something about colour leakage ! I wasn’t sure about the brightness because I have others (different breeds that are autosexing and they have more red (der) combs and wattles but - they are different breeds so probably not comparable
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    What gender ? Easter egger

    Thank you @Chickengirl2671 can you tell me what clues you see? Is it the stance?
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    What gender ? Easter egger

    this one is about 10 weeks now
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    New set of chicks breed and gender guesses?

    @SwampPrincessChick well I only got the chicks on the day I took those bands off…
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    New set of chicks breed and gender guesses?

    Sorry yes the bands are all off - I already removed them. Thanks though!
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    New set of chicks breed and gender guesses?

    I think the one I’ve labelled as 5 is a Wyandotte gold laced which you mentioned up Above - I think I’ve accidentally posted her in twice
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    New set of chicks breed and gender guesses?

    @GirlsHuntToo This is the one on the left
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    New set of chicks breed and gender guesses?

    With this one - the one with the comb at the top is older I believe it’s 7 weeks and the little one is 3/4- would that make a difference? Based on my own google searches I think @Emmaloveschickens9156 is correct though and it is a roo.
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    Is this a frizzle gene?

    I think she is frizzle - I have two
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    New set of chicks breed and gender guesses?

    Thank you @Emmaloveschickens9156 ❤️
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    New set of chicks breed and gender guesses?

    Oh I am sure one is a cream Legbar pullet (autosexing breed right?)- is this a roo because of comb development? I just can’t tell which is which haha
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