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  1. C

    Recommend quarantine period for new hens 21 or 30 days??

    Thank you! I will read it! It's quite lengthy so it might take time. In the meantime my new hens are still in quarantine.
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    Recommend quarantine period for new hens 21 or 30 days??

    Hi Ridge Runner, to answer your question when I did my research on quarantine period it was a general rule of thumb to quarantine new chickens for 21 to 30 days. That seemed to be the recommendation. And basically just looking at behaviors of the chicken to look for lice, mites, any injuries, or...
  3. C

    Recommend quarantine period for new hens 21 or 30 days??

    Hi, I need some helpful advice on how long to quarantine my new hens? I've done research on this already. Some people recommend 21 days and some recommend 30 days. I'm not sure which one I should do? I bought these new hens on May 9th so I'm counting starting on the 10th so as of today it's been...
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    I need help diagnosing this issue "watery dropping"..

    Okay thank you. I may not be able to do that because we don't have an avian vet where I live. We live in a rural area and no vets in my area will see chickens. Also avian vets can be quite expensive. But thank you for the friendly advice and for your time! 😊❤🐔🥚
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    I need help diagnosing this issue "watery dropping"..

    Okay thank you for the info. I will keep that in mind. How do you do a fecal float test? Also the hen with watery droppings I noticed when I first got her she didn't have watery droppings. Only in the last 6 months or so. So that's why I was a little concerned about it. But it sounds like by...
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    I need help diagnosing this issue "watery dropping"..

    Thanks Wyrop Rock good to know! Sorry for my delayed response I've been busy and haven't been on here lately! I only dewormed her once with wormal. It was like a green pill. I bought it at the feed store. But I only gave her one pill and it didn't seem like it really worked? I know I may need to...
  7. C

    I need advice or suggestions for purchasing chickens...

    Thank you everyone for all your helpful advice! I will take it into careful consideration when deciding to purchase young hens. I've been doing a lot of research on different breeds, raising chicks vs. hens, buying online or local etc. And after doing this I think I'm gonna continue searching...
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    I need help diagnosing this issue "watery dropping"..

    Hi, I need help diagnosing this issue of watery droppings. One of my barred rock chickens has had watery or sometimes explosive diarrhea! I will post pics so you can see what it looks like. Sorry in advance it's kinda gross! 🤢 She has had this issue for several months now! I tried deworming her...
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    I need advice or suggestions for purchasing chickens...

    Hi, I need some advice or suggestions on what to ask and/or look for when purchasing new chickens. I basically know what I want as far as breed, age, eggs, temperment, etc. go. I also have a basic idea what to look for if a chicken is not well or is sick. I'm posting this because I'm in an...
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    Thank you! It's been tough! Thank you for the info on neocropsy! I might look into it and consider it for next time! It's too late for my hen that died! My husband and I thought it would be too expensive to get one done. Thanks again for the info and your helpful advice! 😊❤🐔
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    Thank you so much for your condolences and your concern. It's been tough! When she took a turn for the worse I knew she had a 50/50 chance of surviving or not! But yes we definitely get attached to our animals they become part of the family! I will never forget her! She will be missed! 😥💔🐔
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    Hi SomeChookLover, Thank you. Yeah I'm dealing okay thanks for asking! Yeah you're right it can be distressing and time consuming! I didn't think that she could have a brain injury? But I guess that might have been possible. Yeah I tried to get her to eat on her own but she would refuse food and...
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    Hi SomeChookLover, I think she's a White Leghorn. She hasn't laid one egg since I've had her so I think she might be past her laying age? I'm not sure how old she is but I suspect she's an older hen. She's definitely not a Polish or a silky. BTW, I didn't know that about silkies and polish hens...
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    Hi eggcessive, I'm not sure if she was injured by one of the other chickens? I guess it's possible? Yes her head is stuck down. Yeah I was thinking the same thing she could have neurological problems! Thanks for letting me know about force feeding. It's not really something I want to be doing...
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    Hello I am new to this forum but I have been reading posts and articles in the past couple months since getting my new flock of chickens. I really need help trying to diagnose what is going on with my sick chicken! To make a long story short. A few months ago I got six new hens I am new to being...
  16. C

    Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone chicken tender lady here! I just got 6 lovely hens about 3 months ago and they are a blast! I love them so much! They've changed my life! Their definitely my new hobby! I want to get a few more next spring! I'm looking forward to talking to you all soon! Have a great day! 😊🐔
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