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  1. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. Good news today : I found someone willing to adopt Apache. This person has contacted me today after reading my add, so they know about Apache's condition, need (a coop with a big entrance), and aggressiveness... They even send me a picture of their coop, and it looks really great, and I...
  2. Papaye

    BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

    Hi. I took some pictures today... Here is a picture with my first two crested Indian Runner ducklings : They are around two-weeks-old now... The small-crested duckling still has a very small crest, but it is more apparent now. ...And the big-crested one seem to actually have a medium sized...
  3. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    I just took pictures, so just to say... here is one of my white winged bibbed black Indian Runner ducklings : (He is one-week-old...) I have others like him, but for the time being, he is the one I plan to keep - whatever if he is a male or a female -, since he is the one that has the...
  4. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Hello. A big THANK YOU to all of you : you are amazing!! Really? I would have thought being half Ancona would mean more white on the feathers...? (Not that they are not perfect as they are...!!) Thank you so much...!! God... he is so cute! I love his hair. (Is it me, or does he looks like...
  5. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    They are beautiful...! First time I see a bibbed Cayuga... Maybe she is mixed? (But there again, there are blue Cayuga, so... why not a bibbed one?) I know they go white as they age, but I remember the white spots are then supposed to first appear on the face and on the back...(?) Thank you...
  6. Papaye

    Please, show me your ducks

    Hello. I am making this thread to beg you for pictures of your ducks, whoever you are, and whatever your ducks are...! Indeed : even though we can find all kind of pictures on the Internet... I feel pictures of ducks are actually much too rare. Fact is, when I am searching for some ducks -...
  7. Papaye

    Questions about different duck breeds

    Hi! That's funny you say that just after one of my Runner drake flew over the separation to go mate with his girls... (again) This one have learned well...! And he flies high! If only one Indian Runner flies, there is no risk of him fleeing, since he will be much too afraid to be separated...
  8. Papaye

    Blackening skin on Brahma rooster's head

    Hello. I thought several times to update this thread, but I then always forget... So, just to say : I have ended up knowing exactly why Apache's comb and wattlers were darkening when I made this thread... and it was not frostbites : indeed, I have learned Apache's comb tends to darken when he...
  9. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hello! Apache has been a very happy rooster today : indeed, I put him in the same space with the hens! What happened is : I had to isolate Rocky today : his face has been swollen these last few days (especially on the left side), and I don't know if it is because of corryza (he was sneezing...
  10. Papaye

    BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

    If I don't have any other choice, I will keep them : I would still prefer that instead of giving them away to irresponsible people. At least, if I keep them, I may make the kids who walk in front of my house happy! (I know I would have loved to see crested ducks when I was a kid! They look so...
  11. Papaye

    Green coop again..?

    Just to show you, @chickenlover4lifee, I took pictures of two rosemaries I planted together in the past with two medicinal sages... See how big they got? Although I have heavily pruned them some months ago...! My chickens, my ducks, stray cats (and KITTENS)... animals like to hide and play...
  12. Papaye

    Green coop again..?

    Hi. You are welcome! From what I know, hostas are not toxic to chickens...? But I can't tell if your birds will eat them or not, given I have no hostas in my yard...
  13. Papaye

    BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

    Hi. I can do that... but will the one who will adopt my crested ducks want to clip their crests if needed...? Hard to trust people : a lot of them ask me female Runners - but 1 female for 1 drake only... These people, sadly, clearly don't know how to take care of them... and of course, I can...
  14. Papaye

    Green coop again..?

    Hi. How big is your run? (Would you have a picture?) And do your chickens freerange during the day...? ...For shade and windbreak for my chickens and ducks, I like to use Rosemary and Medicinal Sage one next to the other : they grow big, are good for (your) health, stay green even in winter...
  15. Papaye

    BIG SURPRISE : Bali ducklings born from NON-crested Indian Runner parents

    Hi. Oh my God... thank you so much for the information!! Thanksfully, none of the crests look to be on their ear holes : they actually seem to be higher on the head. But to be sure : I actually will have to verify that concerning the crested black bibbed duckling specifically...!! Because the...
  16. Papaye

    Smart rats

    Hi. Wow... you really would need some cats...! Feed them well, and cats will kill more rats than if you let them starve : when cats are not hungry, they actually are great hunters, since they then take their sweet time to catch small animals... Otherwise : did you try the "bucket method"...
  17. Papaye

    Questions about different duck breeds

    Hi! And my money was not stolen (I have verified), so the website really was legit... Thanks God! (Even after receiving the eggs, I was kind of afraid about that...) My Azur hen, small as she is, is in fact able to cover these 9 duck eggs... Yet : when I first put them underneath her, I...
  18. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. I just took pictures of Apache, so - to give some news about him... here : Does he not look so handsome, now he is almost completely recevored...? I'm so proud of him...!! He was following me like the dog he thinks he is, then he decided to go look to the newest ducklings : These...
  19. Papaye

    Plese HELP : Unborn duckling - I broke half the eggshell

    Thank you for your kindness, @Miss Lydia.
  20. Papaye

    Plese HELP : Unborn duckling - I broke half the eggshell

    Hi. The eggs I put underneath my Wyandotte are dead. When I opened them, I found two dead ducklings entirely formed, and one that was still in the membrane, and all bloody... (I did not verify in the membrane if the duckling was being already developped or not...) I feel terribly guilty : I...
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