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  1. skernkle

    My sultan bantam needs a friend

    Hi! About four years ago, I ordered a small group of bantam chicks. In this group I got a sultan, a black frizzle Cochin, and a few clean leg breeds for eggs. This was my first time getting bantams, and I got the sultan and Cochin because I’d previously only kept chickens for eggs, and these two...
  2. skernkle

    Wobbly chick can’t walk

    Thank you! I’m going to get some nutri drench as soon as possible, and I’ve used some medical tape to correct it’s legs. It can’t seem to support it’s upper body weight even with the brace, however. It doesn’t seem to have a curled foot, but I’m not going to completely disregard that idea. I do...
  3. skernkle

    Wobbly chick can’t walk

    I recently tried incubating eggs for the first time in years. I got the eggs from a local family friend(I’ve been told by others that eggs from her flock have a pretty low success rate, but I’m not sure if that has anything to do with this). It was nearing the twenty fifth day with no pips or...
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