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  1. talkinboutchickens

    2024's First Posting Battle!

    Okay I was just wondering 😅
  2. talkinboutchickens

    Coccidiosis???? Or something else??

    UPDATE: Chicks have been having watery, "bubbly" poop. I just dissected another poop and it had chunks of red stuff in it. They might not be acting weak or anything because I caught it early. Please help!!!!!😢
  3. talkinboutchickens

    New Chicken Mama Here!

    :welcome We're glad you found our community! I hope you find all the information you seek on here. Always feel free to ask any questions you have, there are always users on here 24/7.
  4. talkinboutchickens

    Learning about chickens in MA

    Hello:frow and:welcome !!!!! Good luck with your flock! I hope you find all the information you need at BYC.
  5. talkinboutchickens

    2024's First Posting Battle!

    That's kinda against the BYC rules isn't it
  6. talkinboutchickens

    2024's First Posting Battle!

    Why is everyone threatening people
  7. talkinboutchickens

    2024's First Posting Battle!

    Interesting! I don't really get it though lol 😅 Sorry
  8. talkinboutchickens

    2024's First Posting Battle!

    Can someone please tell me how this works??😂😅
  9. talkinboutchickens

    Chick Parent

    Hello and welcome to BYC!:frow
  10. talkinboutchickens

    9wk old EE’s

    On 2nd thought, I believe 2 is a cockerel due to the pointy, long hackle feathers.
  11. talkinboutchickens

    9wk old EE’s

    You got one guaranteed cockerel for sure which is #4. With the other three, I can't say for sure.
  12. talkinboutchickens

    Image for Bumblefoot

    It might be the beginnings of bumblefoot, keep an eye on it and keep treating her:thumbsup You are doing a great job.
  13. talkinboutchickens

    Glad to be here!

    Welcome to BYC!:welcome Congrats on your engagement! And enjoy your new chicks! I hope they bring you guys lots of joy😊
  14. talkinboutchickens

    Amelia is broody again!

    Congrats on your first chick! I hope Enola gets some siblings soon!
  15. talkinboutchickens

    Coccidiosis???? Or something else??

    Please help!! This morning I checked on my 12 chicks and I realized that there was a few poops in their brooder that had some red in it. I'm suspecting it's blood. I'm not sure if it's coming from one chick, some, or all of the chicks, but their are several poops with blood in it. The whole poop...
  16. talkinboutchickens

    A hen went broody and she has been sitting for a while.......

    Yes rehome. The last time I hatched under a broody I waited until they were older until I rehomed.
  17. talkinboutchickens

    A hen went broody and she has been sitting for a while.......

    I totally understand your guys' point. The only problem is that all of her babies will take up a lot of room, room that we don't have much of.
  18. talkinboutchickens

    A hen went broody and she has been sitting for a while.......

    Hello! My black australorp Phyllis went broody. I thought one of my family members checked the eggs but turns out they didn't take all of them, so....... Turns out 2-3 eggs have babies in them. I can't just let the embryos die. That would be awful! So, I'm gonna clean out my incubator from my...
  19. talkinboutchickens

    Are these 3 roosters? I know the light Brahma is a rooster but I can’t figure out if my polish and my white and black Easter egger are roosters

    I think both are roos. Polish is a rooster for sure. You can see the polish's saddle feathers hanging off of his back. I am pretty sure that the easter egger is a rooster as well, it's hackle feathers are pointed.
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