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  1. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Maisie and Sadie are both doing very poorly right now unfortunately. I darkened the room for them as well so they can sleep better: The fans are off and it is 80 degrees in the room currently. Sadie did one medium sized poo: We tried to give Maisie the other half of the molasses flush, but...
  2. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    We have a solution wonderful Azygous gave us that we have been administering via feeding tube.
  3. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Sadie started stretching her neck out and opening her mouth over and over. Now I'm really worried.
  4. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Yes, this is my Sadie girl right now. We are about 50 min. after giving her the flush and she has not pooped yet and is still asleep.
  5. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Her comb isn't pale. Since the other chickens are having some troubles too, my guess is that it isn't related to her heart? She has done three poops total today.
  6. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    We were able to get the whole flush into Sadie. We are now doing exactly what we did with Maisie for my little girl. I sure hope she does better soon. Thankfully, bunny blanket is doing okay. 👍🏼
  7. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    I had no idea this was worms! I am new to keeping chickens so I have so much trouble knowing what to look for. Thank you all! Now I know what to look for in the future.
  8. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Thank you so much! You are so sweet! Hobbiton happens to be Virginia. My daddy normally doesn't like me to share my location, but he said it was okay to say our state. We are about to start the molasses flush with any others that are having trouble. Sadie is my personal favorite so this just...
  9. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Here is the de-worming protocol I typed up after doing lots of research. I had tried so hard to be careful. Did I mess up the dosage on accident? We started on June 4th and finished June 8th. The only other thing I changed was adding this Durvet Layer Boost to their water. I thought it would...
  10. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Happiness was short-lived. One of my other hens, Sadie, has started to get really sleepy as well. All of them aren't as energetic as normal and laying around. Oh, man, this is gonna be a lot of work. 😭
  11. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Thank you so so so much! What a blessing you all have been to us! I sure hope she recovers well. She is actually walking some right now and pecking around! We are so hopeful now. We will keep everyone updated! I am scrambling an egg for her with some salt, sugar, and coconut oil in it.
  12. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Another poo! This one is more amonia like. It was also slightly green and the urates were slightly yellow. It was very soft.
  13. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    I moved it around just to check the inside of it. It is slightly green, there were a couple fibers of grass, has some pieces of seeds in it, very wet (as you can see it has distributed into the blanket), and lots of solid white. It does not have too strong of an odor. I smell a bit of an...
  14. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    She pooped! She stood up, opened her eyes, and pooped! I've never been so happy to see poo before! Azygous, you are amazing!!!
  15. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    We brought the temperature of the heat pack up to 95-100 degrees, removed, and put my bunny blanket on her (Yes... I still have stuffed animals.) She is sleeping on Tiff's lap.
  16. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    It is 76.7 degrees inside currently. Our bedroom may have been a degree or two cooler last night but I wrapped the top of the crate in a blanket to make sure she didn't get too cold.
  17. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    Maisie has not perked up at all but is constantly asleep. She had 4 1/2 ml of molasses solution a little over an hour ago. We have been nonstop searching for how to help her.
  18. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Please help! Hen suddenly falling asleep while standing, droopy tail! Egg bound? [Edit: Possible Worms]

    We are about to start tubing her. We ordered the kit you had recommended in another thread -- unfortunately, it won't come until tomorrow. My momma has a nebulizer with oxygen tubing (this was a new tube and unused). We cut that to the length you advised. We are about to give her all of the...
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