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  1. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Soft Shells

    Nothing much else you can try… Epsom salt bath should help. Ginger and carrots can also help because they will adde the digestion of calcium and protein which can and most likely will help her… if she isn’t eating though, you must start getting vitamins into her; blend the ginger and carrots...
  2. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Soft Shells

    I don’t believe this has been caused by as egg. And I don’t like to say this- but I’m afraid it could be to late.. I would forget about her laying an egg and focus on her now. This is common and often has little to no fix when it gets this far. Stop the calcium tablets as they can cause worse...
  3. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Soft Shells

    Right… ok. This exactly happened to my hen. She was doing this and then just stopped laying. But I think this could help so I’ll list a few other things it could be after hearing that. Vitamin D- deficiency, VD helps absorb the calcium and nutrients to help make the egg shell, and if the...
  4. 6-Hens-and-Me

    none of my chickens or ducks are laying

    Make sure the layers pellets are 90% if not swap to it, check for mites/lice Worm them all As they are older they won’t lay every day and may take breaks after molts especially, this is because they have used all there energy on growing their feathers, and after they need to replenish the oils...
  5. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Water belly? Sick chicken with pics

    I’m afraid to say, it may be too late for calcium pills, she may have gone to far, You could try as Epsom salt Bath, this will relieve her hugely, make sure it’s warm and let her soak, after try to dry her off best you can, then it’s important you give her some easy food, try soaking some...
  6. 6-Hens-and-Me

    One of my hens is laying thin-shelled eggs but I don't know who

    Ok, try to go up to 90% layers pellets. Also, you could try the scrambled egg
  7. 6-Hens-and-Me

    One of my hens is laying thin-shelled eggs but I don't know who

    Hi there, I’ve had this problem years ago and this is how I fixed it: I would confine them until they revert back to laying properly but It is tricky to think of anything else you can try but, As long as 90% of her diet is a good quality layers feed, has free access to mixed grit and oyster...
  8. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Soft Shells

    Hi there, I’ve had this problem years ago and this is how I fixed it: It is tricky to think of anything else you can try but, As long as 90% of her diet is a good quality layers feed, has free access to mixed grit and oyster shell and is wormed there isn’t a lot else to do. You could try a...
  9. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Hi, on the spread sheet it says all my pictures were disqualified, but when I posted them you said the White speckled hen next to a pen “or in a cage” as you put it was qualified, please explain why it didn’t
  10. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Pullet sitting down all the time?

    So her tail is fine, I might take her out in morning an afternoon to get some food as she has an empty crop, and others seem to pick on her a little, she does try to stand up for herself, but sometimes they can get nasty, thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it, anything else you...
  11. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Pullet sitting down all the time?

    Thank you,is this tail pointing down all the time or just sitting?
  12. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Pullet sitting down all the time?

    No, not at all, she can’t be broody because it’s outside and she hasn’t even layed an egg.
  13. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Pullet sitting down all the time?

    Her poop looks like the other hens.
  14. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Pullet sitting down all the time?

    Hi folks, I’ve got two new hens, one Easter Egger and a cream legbar the E.E has been laying well, but the Cream Legbar hasn’t yet, but she has been sitting down a lot outside ever since we got her just sitting not on eggs or anything just sitting down whilst everyone else is looking for bugs...
  15. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Why won’t my chickens stop preening?

    Yes I have, I did two weeks prior to this message, and it never occurred to me until then! I’ve been keeping chickens almost my whole life, and they get them most springs, but I don’t know why, it just didn’t occur to me! They had mites and there all back to there happy self's Thank you for your...
  16. 6-Hens-and-Me

    What are your chickens favourite treats?

    Oh wow, yes, my hens enjoy a watermelon rind
  17. 6-Hens-and-Me

    What are your chickens favourite treats?

    Hi everyone! I’m just curious to know what your chickens favourite snacks are, and if they have any effects on them (if any) For example I feed my chickens calcium grubs, and my chickens go nuts for them, and the next morning we get a lot bigger eggs. With a strong shell! Please let me and...
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