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    Comment by 'ATXInstantFlock' in article 'My experience using a no-crow collar'

    Don't leave us hanging. 🤣😂
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    Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run

    Can anyone recommend a specific set of hog rings pliers? Bought this and it absolutely doesn't work on 1/2" hardware cloth. The nose of the pliers is too large. 😢
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    Hey y'all, newbie chicken owner who is about to start his coop/run build, and I had a few TX specific questions I was hoping I could rely on all y'all's experience with. Thanks in advance! So far I've been buying everything from Tractor Supply in Cedar Park. I live in Austin, but open to...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    Yep, familiar with that concept, but the funny part is that Carrie, the one roosting by herself, is the one who is usually pecking at every one except the two oldest when they're eating or scratching on the ground floor.
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (May 29 - Day 41) Came home from our evening out at the soccer game to find them like this: 3 roosting bars, but 9/10 had to pile onto the top bar. Haven't caught them doing this before or after. It was probably 90F out at the time, so it wasn't snuggling for warmth, either. Just being silly. 😜
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    I meant that 1/4 acre is my entire house. I'm not bulldozing my entire house and rebuilding it on stilts so chickens run around underneath. 😁
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Thanks for the input, I linked some HFAC info below. With a 1/4 acre here, I definitely don't have a "pasture". Crossing my fingers that I don't reach that number. If I do, that means a whole bunch of my flock has died and likely doesn't have enough friends to play with. From certified humane...
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Thanks, that is very useful advice. I've been reading up on different strategies to limit access to certain sections via grow friendly mesh covers that you can move around and rotate. Sounds feasible. People talk about how chicken poop can be such great fertilizer, so presumably some people...
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Almost every recommendation I've seen says at least 10 sq ft. This would be close to 2.5x that minimum. Barring free range or being in the middle of nowhere with 5 acres, I don't see very many runs on this site offering a lot more space. How much space would you suggest is required?
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Ahh, sorry. I misspoke earlier. What I meant was ~15' from property line of closest neighbor since that's the way I measured the guide lines in sketchup. There is ~15'2" from fence to the side of their garage. I'm liberally rounding up everywhere, so I'm aiming for ~31'. The poultry pen is a...
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    👍 I specifically meant the ones that are part of the SnapLock. They make the floor of that "coop" and they slide out the back, opposite the door, so you need about 3' of space in the back to pull them out. 👍
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    It's not. They changed regulations in 2022 to make the city more friendly to backyard chickens as part of their push for more sustainable waste management, and it's now 30'. I posted the updated regulations here.
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    They can't "drop" into the run as all roofs that aren't covered by solid material are covered by 1/2" hardware cloth. We do have hawks/owls in this area, so I don't plan on ever letting them roam free without overhead protection.
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Yes, ma'am. I actually made a new post for City of Austin in the other section, since the existing regulations were stale. Roosters aren't expressly forbidden, but "excessive noise" is forbidden. The house directly on the other side of the street actually has a large iron fenced yard where they...
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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Hi all, hoping to get some advice before I start doing any real construction. After buying a bunch of items that were both probably too expensive and insufficient for my flock's needs, I realized that I needed to add quite a bit more run space to hit the suggested benchmarks that everyone was...
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    Hardware Cloth Apron Design for Corners

    Thanks. In my head, I was trying to figure out how to use one long piece from the top to the end of the skirt, but now I realize that's wholly unnecessary. I guess it's also not that many cuts. I'll just live with it, thanks.
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    Hardware Cloth Apron Design for Corners

    Can someone share how they are building hardware cloth aprons around corners? Trying to figure out how how to efficiently get this done without wasting a ton of hardware cloth by doubling up or making 1000 cuts.
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (May 23 - Day 35) Spent a lot of time at hardware stores and online shopping, but the last week has been crazy busy with dance recitals, parent pop ins at school, and today was the last day of school. After last night's coop clean out of the Garage Mahal, we moved the stand to a different part...
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    Review by 'ATXInstantFlock' in article 'Roster Collars: Everything you need to know'

    Excellent article and accompanying video (I had to join the FB group to watch it, but they let me in. 😁). One of my girls turned out to be a guy, so it's either this or freezer camp.
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    Has anyone successfully built a coop/run around an existing tree?

    Trust me, that's not in the cards. Only trees getting cut down are the ones that are too close to the house. I'm trying to avoid putting anything too close to the fences as the fence pictured on the left side of the photo has a neighbor, and the fence(s) to the right, back up to the street and...
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