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  1. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    Well at least I finally got a draft of the decades-old story done recently :p which was a huge step, as I had never completed an entire draft before.
  2. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    I have a story I've been working on for something like 20 years and it's been restarted like that at least five separate times due to genre shifts alone. The story I'm working on now (a different one), the draft I'm currently on is the result of a restart as well. I really try to avoid doing...
  3. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    I do, I'm always doodling my story characters. Especially if they aren't human, 'cause I'm not the greatest at drawing people.
  4. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    I dabbled in 'soft' sci-fi back in the day, but nowadays I just find myself more drawn to fantasy of various flavors. Thought I suppose there is a lot of overlap between sci-fi and fantasy in general! I'm considered an essential worker, so my day-to-day business hasn't been affected too much by...
  5. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    Ah gotcha. Can't help much with that, I never got into handwriting in long form much at all (chronic carpal tunnel + dyslexia). I do all my personal journaling online in blogs :p. Though I do find it more entertaining to handwrite when I use nice shiny colorful gel pens...
  6. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    I print off my drafts when I finish typing them and do all my editing and notes by hand on those papers. Then I type the next draft. So you still get some handwriting that way, I guess?
  7. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    @Oncoming Storm lol yeah I did. I mostly write movieverse stuff, with that general setting and aesthetics in mind, however I blend a lot of G1 and TFP into my stories and what characters I use. And pretty much whatever other series I feel like stealing from, since that's pretty much how...
  8. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    Man I know the feeling. The only time I get to write any more is during my lunch break at work, which is maybe only a half hour tops four days a week. And of course I'm only actually writing for about half of that :p. But I just keep plugging away a sentence at a time. It gets there eventually.
  9. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    That sounds very productive though! Certainly more than I've done for my house in the past several months.
  10. Dinogrrl

    Any writers out there?

    I've written for as long as I knew how! I currently have two fantasy projects I'd like to get published eventually, both in early 18th-century settings (because you don't get much of that in the fantasy genre for some reason). One is a totally original world, and the other is a sort of...
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