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  1. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    I'll not try to keep up with those of you using fancy expensive cameras but I spotted this Great Blue Heron at the edge of the pond behind the barn yesterday. I've not seen one this time of year but a little research says they are year round residents here. Nikon Coolpix 610, 60x optical zoom...
  2. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    Lots of fine detail in that picture. Your iPhone camera is better than mine ;)
  3. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    Lots of great pictures but this one: WOW!
  4. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    Looks like a very embarrassed goldfinch ;)
  5. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    At least you admit you are amazing :D
  6. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    Now now, we all have our talents and mustn't be jealous of those who have seriously amazing talents that we do not ;) That puts you a step above me Cynthia!
  7. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    What would make you think it was a bad shot? I think it is a GREAT picture. Lots of detail plus motion suggested by the blurred wing feathers.
  8. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    The hook on that beak! Good for digging the snails out of their shells I guess.
  9. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    Finally, a GOOD invasive species! I don't know what damage they do and I hope the birds can keep them in check.
  10. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    I looked up the snail kite as I've never heard of them. Seems they are very endangered, the draining of the Everglades did a number on them. They eat only one thing, snails. And apparently there is now an invasive snail (maybe the apple snail) in the Everglades and the snail kite population is...
  11. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    Thank you!
  12. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    Seems like someone wasn't wearing their glasses when they named that bird. Did they not notice that the belly isn't red but the head is? BDSM??? :ep
  13. bruceha2000

    Wildlife Photography

    It is a Luna Moth. Very interesting to see it from the "front". I've seen one only once and it was on a tree. They are really big! The moth form lives only 7-10 days. Too common where YOU are but this site is seen world wide and what is common to you might be very exotic to someone elsewhere :D
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