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  1. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

  2. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

  3. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Nice! Yeah I went to the Dauphin Island Sea Lab last year. It was very small but very cool. I need to check it out again. Here's a clownfish from the Georgia Aquarium. I'm going to spend a lot time at that tank next time, trying to get a better pic. This one is slightly out of focus...
  4. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    If anyone ever ends up near Atlanta, Georgia, I highly suggest checking out the Georgia Aquarium. They have an incredible variety of animals and seeing the whale sharks in person is pretty amazing. The dolphin show is great too. We were there on Memorial Day, so it was pretty crowded. I only got...
  5. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Two Raptors in flight...
  6. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Awesome photos! What do you suppose this mark on the dolphin is? Almost looks like it was impaled with something....
  7. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Nice images! Thanks for posting. That last one looks like a caribou. You can tell by his "shovel" that sticks out. Elk do not have those...
  8. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    I can't really help in the Nikon vs Canon debate. I'm a Canon shooter so that's all I can comment on. I do think you get a little more bang for your buck with Nikon. I think the lens you choose is a lot more important than the camera. I would reccomend spending 75% of your budget on the lens...
  9. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Is there a particular type of wildlife you think you would shoot most often (songbirds, insects, etc.)? What lens/lenses have you picked out? I've never used a 6d II but I think it would be a decent wildlife camera based on the specs. It's a full frame camera, so it has it's benefits, but you...
  10. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    I had to renew my commercial fishing license yesterday and as I was leaving I noticed these guys in a pond in front of the Marine Resource Division office. They probably thought I was crazy when they saw me belly crawling across a mud flat :lau
  11. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    :confused: ................... 🤔
  12. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    My guess is a juvenile black crowned night heron....
  13. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Thanks a bunch! That was my favorite image of the trip and definitely my best fish pic to date. The edit is really what made the difference though. It was a decent image straight out of camera, but the busy, bright background on the left side of the image took away from the fish and the whole...
  14. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

  15. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    I have. Memory card and batteries, lol. Only took 1 time for me. Now as soon as I upload images, I clear the card and put it back in the camera before I start editing. Luckily my new cameras have two memory card slots. I have enough batteries now I just swap them out then charge. But if there's...
  16. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

  17. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Here's a few I took at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab today.....
  18. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

  19. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    This is how I approach pretty much all subjects when I do not know how they react. I will rattle of 10-12 shots, take a few steps closer, rattle off some more, get closer, shoot some more, etc. Probably why I take a thousand images every time I go out... 🤔
  20. mdees88

    Wildlife Photography

    Awesome. Congratulations! I have topaz denoise and have used Lightroom AI denoise but I really don't like either to be honest. Sometimes they work great and sometimes not so much for me. I prefer doing my own denoise in lightroom. It is VERY easy... I just do a subject detect mask (touch it...
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