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  1. Little Miss Millie

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Thank you! I have a little over 40 chickens in total at the moment. I have a lot of different breeds. I have some of the more typical ones, like RIR's, Australorps, Leghorns, Marans, Orpingtons, EE's, OE's, Brahmas, Cochins, etc. but I also have some more fancy breeds as well, such as polish...
  2. Little Miss Millie

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I will tell him you said that, he will greatly appreciate it!
  3. Little Miss Millie

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Got some better photos of the crew today, it was very nice out compared to yesterday! No wind, so I was able to do my boys justice Of course the hens wanted some attention as well, and I can’t not show their funny photos I also attempted to take more photos of Raven for you guys, since you...
  4. Little Miss Millie

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today was especially windy, but a very nice day out at least! The crew was happy to see me as well As I went down to collect the eggs, I found someone in the nesting box I never expected to see… The Frizz! She’s never been broody seasons before, so this came to be a surprise for sure...
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