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  1. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Newb here again. We are going to try something different for feeding our girls. Initially, I fabricated two 5-ft. long feeders made from PVC. They do work well, but not in all regards. The girls fling the crumble EVERYWHERE. So, I'm going to do things a bit different. I'm doing away with the...
  2. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Picked up some more 8-grain scratch today after an outing with my beautiful wife. Now we are sitting down by the coop letting them roam free in the yard. We have hawks, raccoons, foxes, weasels, and two nights ago, I had to get up and check on the girls because the coyotes were scoping them...
  3. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Thank you for the excellent and well-detailed response. I don't have an alternate location to keep my girls if I find mites. Is there a method you know of that would allow the girls to stay where they are while dealing with the mites or other pests?
  4. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    What do you do to get rid of them?
  5. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Hello chicken peeps! I have a question. I posed it elsewhere, but got no response, so I'm going to ask here if you don't mind. I'm just curious how often you all check for mites and such on your birds. Ours are still skittish, and we can't get near them without them bolting, so we can't inspect...
  6. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I just read last night about the efficacy of those in combating flies and other pests. I hadn't given thought to adding it to their dust bath. I was just going to plant the flowers near the coop. Do you just pulverize the stuff and add it to the bath?
  7. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    The raccoons came a'calling again last night, but they will not get in. Three more eggs this morning, so that was nice. Not sure who is laying them though. We get white ones, light brown ones, and blue-ish ones. I am going to install a small Bluetooth cam across from the nesting box to see who...
  8. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    The girls are looking rather spry today. We started our training regiment today to teach them to come when we call. I hope it works. I guess it can take 10-14 days to train them, give or take. We had another predator stop in around midnight last night, but whatever it was, I couldn't see it on...
  9. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I installed my Coop Cam yesterday and last night it triggered twice. I can't get the video to upload, but the motion sensing camera filmed a raccoon twice overnight, about three hours apart. My security is good for the girls, but I have a couple areas I'm going to beef up a bit.
  10. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    The girls actually gave us three eggs already today. My wife was going to up their rent if they didn't start producing some eggs. She threatened them last night, and told them that there's no free ride here. They already get room, board, and 24-hour security, and it's a two-way street. LOL We...
  11. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We are going to add shavings to the coop floor this evening. On Fridays, we take my 93-year-old dad to estate sales. He lives with us. He's very healthy, takes no prescription medications, hand-sews beautiful handbags, and makes designer boxes for a hobby. He gives all of them away. Because we...
  12. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Day Five tomorrow of owning our first ever chickens. All girls. We are having fun with them. We do need to get a catch tray for all the food they throw on the ground. We did notice, however, that they are eating a lot of the crumble that is on the ground, but we still need to capture all the...
  13. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    THE GIRLS HAVE ARRIVED!! They LOVE the new coop! They love all the fresh green grass in there. Joan, our friend who brought us the chickens from their homestead, said that they don't have fresh green grass where the chickens were, so the girls went nuts over the fresh grass. We are going to keep...
  14. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    🤣🤣 As for the breeds, we are getting a Buff Orpington, ISA Brown, Black Copper Maran, and one called a Barnyard Mix or something like that.
  15. Soujrnr

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Well, we are supposed to get our new chickens today. This is our first time having chickens. We finished the coop yesterday in the rain, and now we're ready to have them delivered. However, it's STILL raining today, and has been all day long. So, I'm not sure how excited our friend is about...
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