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  1. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I know! You did a good job too. What did you think of the taste? I can't remember if I've ever had quail.
  2. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Still thinking about quail here.
  3. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    When the time is right, the special ones find you. :)
  4. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    ...I'm sneaky like that.
  5. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    No worries. It's been years but it's still hard to talk about him. Once in a lifetime dog.
  6. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Feel free to send her over to spend some time with Aunt Snappy! I'm well versed with that expression- "I'm innocent mom, I swear" **spits out shoe** and she will be well loved on! TBH I could use some velcro dog here myself. It's been a number of years since my old guy passed on and I'm ready...
  7. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    You are lucky! I never had an issue at the other farm, besides black snakes stealing eggs, and initially none here at the new place. But I guess 12 plus years was a long time to go without predator issues and they all hit at once last year.
  8. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I had a BF once who had a backside fascination that was so bad, we'd be out eating and suddenly mid-sentence the eyes would jerk to the side and the mouth would almost drop open. I was tolerant to a point, but had a feeling faithfulness would be a concern going forward so it was not hard to say...
  9. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    One of my better $35 investments was my 1.5 qt electric Cuisinart ice cream maker. No salt needed. What kind is yours? Kiddo has dairy allergies and like previously mentioned, coconut ice cream is nasty! So I made up a wonderful vanilla custard recipe that kiddo loves and I personally love being...
  10. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Well I guess not being a dairy kid. :D As for distribution, all I have is Walmart and the local redneck "upscale" store who's headquarters is where I live. I haven't seen it at either. (I will often find things at one walmart or local store that the other ones 10 miles away do not have) I hear...
  11. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    No! I live in the sticks!! Well honestly I haven't really been strolling around stores lately looking for new stuff, but there is a chance I might (probably not) find it at the "upscale" ...*cough* redneck *cough*.... local store that charges double for everything because they have a teehny...
  12. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    That's what I was thinking just yesterday. My "up till now" nice roo mock charged me yesterday. It was his first slip up and strike 1. I had picked up a hen to check and see how her booboo was healing and he got all offended. (she wasn't even upset by it) He was giving me the "you will die"...
  13. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Geeze... I guess I'm the only one that lives in the sticks! ...oh, wait. I do live in the sticks...
  14. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Raspberries? Pfftt... lightweights. Think millions of tiny razor sharp shark teeth. Millions and billions...
  15. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Heat. Bleh! Same here.
  16. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Oh, and the marionberries I got are vicious!! They make even the most monstrous rose thorns look tame. I grow English roses so know a thing or two about thorns...
  17. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Cindy said it so much better, but I was going to say think of it as a black raspberry and a blackberry had baby. And FYI, Tillamook comes from the OR coast and was THE dairy brand when I lived out there. Known for their cheeses and ice creams. You are lucky to find it where you are!
  18. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    At my old farm I was more than happy to pay a local facility $2 a bird to process my chickens because I really dislike doing it. That's not an option here so pretty soon I'm gonna have to pull up my big girl boots and start doing my own again. Bleh. Quail look way easier than chickens, but by...
  19. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak Halfway down the page is a terrific and quick video.
  20. SnapdragonQ

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    We must be twins. :caf
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