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  1. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    @Overo Mare Your location is this pic is making me laugh... (I hope that’s not inappropriate of me. I can be a tad immature)
  2. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I’m dying. I went back to look at the quails in the pic and busted out laughing. I almost had tears but didn’t quite get to that level of laughing
  3. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I’m gone for a few hours and there’s more than 5 pages I gotta catch up on!! *trudges back to page 948 to read*
  4. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I only have 15-20 GB of internet on my wifi modem whatever it’s called. And now it’s running soooo slow since I used it all up. Trying to react to posts on my laptop is a pain with slow internet. Gotta wait until the 12th til it resets. I’m on my unlimited data phone now and I can react with...
  5. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Oh I also use wow like — ohhhhhhhhhh I probably use my reactions wrong but I haven’t read a manual on how to do it right. Sometimes my likes are just that I read the post and not that I necessarily agree or like it 😂
  6. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I still say this when turning my water hose off or on.
  7. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I’m glad I use wow as many different things like wow that’s cool or wow I can’t believe it or wow that’s crazy or wooooowwww really?!?! And a bunch of other wow ways.
  8. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I see. I’ll try to not give people sad faces when it’s a sad post 😂 jk
  9. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    So what is a positive reaction? So the angry and sad reactions aren’t positive?
  10. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    It's currently 45 degrees here but it will only drop in the night. I found out our goats and dogs sleep in my husband's shop.
  11. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    it frosts in the mornings if it gets real cold in South Georgia but melts by noon. But it’s rare here in the South anyway. Not sure about other parts of GA.
  12. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Wow, I'm reading all these temperature readings and I'm over here dying inside my house when it's at 71 degrees. Had to turn the heater on to bump it up to 72 at least. I need to get my winter clothes out so I can spend some time outside and enjoy our cold weather since Georgia seems to just...
  13. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Yikes and I’m over here preparing for the 30s next week. Lowest being 27 on Tuesday. ETA: and even the highs are 50-60 so definitely not even a hint compared to what’s coming your way
  14. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    oh I definitely couldn’t and wouldn’t do it 😂 they’d have to sign me up for another job
  15. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    Sure that made complete sense even after the tenth time rereading it 😂 in all seriousness that’s cool.
  16. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I only know how to knit. In a very basic pattern. I need to get back into to my hobbies.
  17. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I still haven't learned to ride a bicycle. Last time I got on one was when I was 8 or 9 and my cousin got it to go and let me go and I did well but I didn't know how to stop and I fell. Haven't gotten on one since. Unless they had training wheels that is.
  18. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    You flew planes and such and are scared of heights? Was it something that happened? Or that one experience with the guy locking up? I'm happy you reacted fast wow! Talk about a near death experience! My MIL actually had a friend whose husband was a flight instructor and the plane crashed, I...
  19. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I actually want to go scuba diving one day, it's on my non-existent bucket list. But I once watched 1000 ways to die or some show where a scuba diver was in a tank trying to get back to normal or something and someone opened it and they exploded. So I dunno... haha I'm pretty sure they were...
  20. hysop

    ➡➡ Kiki Speak

    I'm scared of drowning so that's why I don't like heights + water landings. I know how to swim and float and all that, but still I have fears haha. What?! You've had bungee cords break?? I'd die. My heart stops in roller coasters where 6/7 year olds can ride on.
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