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  1. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    Enough said, right?
  2. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    Today's mug:
  3. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    When I got home last night, I promptly dropped my favorite mug... But there was a Barred Owl in one of the trees right out front, so it wasn't all bad.
  4. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    Of course!! This is why I try to avoid looking at mugs when I'm at stores. I am bound to see something I REALLY want!
  5. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    This is the mug that held my dessert (a Hot Fudge Mug Cake) tonight:
  6. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    I like mugs a lot.:idunno
  7. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    I don't pack them up because I only have 4 winter mugs, so they go in a back corner. We might have too many mugs...
  8. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    It's technically a Christmas mug, but I choose to think of it as a winter mug.
  9. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    Thanks! I have a problem of liking mugs a lot, so when I'm in a store that has them, I try not to look at them.
  10. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    I'm finally using the last sachet from my favorite tea that was discontinued very shortly after I bought the tin. Zhena's Gypsy Tea: Vanilla Spice
  11. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    Today, my hot cocoa is in:
  12. Swiss

    What Mug Are You Using Today?

    "Who owns this house? It's not apple but me." "Who did the lights turn off? I can not see anything!" I bought this one because it made me laugh, and it still does!
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