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  1. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Poor Dimple! I hope she heals quickly and gets back to rooster dancing her little heart out. 9 pounds!?! Mr Monster is growing into his name!
  2. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    No, it was Naturewise, I still check the nags at the feed store as the chickens seemed to do really well on it, and still seeing piles of mites 🥺
  3. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    It looks like everyone's doing good! Hand hugs, that's adorable :love We have one brand of feed that gets horrible grain mites, it started 2 years ago, and even through the enter this year they were crawling and massing up at the feed store. Oddly, it's just one brand, so I don't know if...
  4. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Oh no! I hope you can kill those things off and fast! The feed I had been using for 3 years started getting grain mites, so I've switched feed. But they would go everywhere, I keep my feed in the shop and they'd be on all the tools, every surface, uck it was nasty!
  5. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    They made it! Phew ☺️ good luck with the chick / egg swap tonight.
  6. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Phew! I'm glad he still has both eyes even if the one doesn't have good vision. I hope Scruffy accepts the chicks! That's going to be so cute ☺️
  7. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Oh my goodness! Poor Goober! I hope he will recover ok, very interesting about the possible genetic thing 🤔 Ooh, chicks! Exciting, but I understand the stress right now. I hope things settle down a bit and you can enjoy your chickens again.
  8. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Prefect pairing! He looks quite proud again ☺️ I have a little spicey silkie hen I moved into the breeding flock because they have a big run and we haven't finished the run for the pen she is in, she wanted outside so bad. The rooster dance for her and she just ignores him, she too busy...
  9. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Wow, thanks for the information and the reminder that buttercup is poisonous. I just saw some by the coop last night, off to pull it...
  10. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Yup, coop drama at its finest!
  11. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Ooh, that's awesome that the timing is working out. I've never ordered directly from a hatchery but I've heard good things about Cackle.
  12. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Your birds are beautiful!
  13. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Oh my, I have no words, again :lau
  14. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    I'm not sure if they'd pack with cockerels, you could call and ask them. I've read on some hatchery websites that they'll do extras of whatever you already purchased, so if you bought all pullets the extra should be a pullet also. But it would be safer to call them. The hatching eggs would be...
  15. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Oh goodness! Mayne he'll wait for 4:30 before crowing :oops: Lol, inappropriate relations :lau
  16. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    The little cage sounds like a good idea! I've had 6 Black Astraulorps, 3 from one hatchery and 3 from another. From Mt Healthy I got 2 massive ones and one normal sized, and from the other hatchery (bought at a local farm store) I have 1 big but not nearly as big as the My Healthy ones, and 2...
  17. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    Oh my, you have some boy drama going on! My Barred Rock girls have all been pretty bossy things, the EEs have been a little flighty but not aggressive, I have the full spectrum from spicy mean to super sweet and calm with the Black Astraulorps. Hatching eggs 😃 yeah :woot
  18. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    So... the ones I've separated have all found uses outside of the flock 🙄 I had two I tried to put back together and that didn't work. I'm curious if larger numbers are better than pairs. I can see it going either way. You know, those mechanical pluckers come in real handy 😎
  19. 2ndTink

    Growing my little flock

    I haven't had to mix different ages yet, but I have had to separate a few of them. This spring will be the first test as I'll be mixing different ages together, but I also plan to have them away from the ladies so I hope that helps. We'll be processing any mean ones is the plan. I've read...
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